Financial Consolidation: Building a bridge to operational excellence Whitepaper

Financial consolidation in a business involves completing its accounting cycles by closing the books, collecting financial data and producing financial statements for internal management and statutory reporting. The time it takes to finish the process is regarded by many Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) and Finance Directors (FDs) as a key indicator of whether finance processes and systems are healthy.

In the following sections, we will explore the benefits, challenges and approaches towards financial close and consolidation. The role of technology and how companies can rely on a specialised consolidation tool will also be discussed

  • Why you should strive for an efficient financial close
  • Hurdles to a fast, effective financial consolidation process
  • Approaches towards book closing and financial consolidation
  • Making the case for specialised financial close software

Take a look at the White Paper to have a deeper understanding about the important of an Financial Consolidation Solution.