Retail Pro Prism

The Next-generation Retail Management Software

A software that offers you and your company with:
  • Specialised and customisable POS system built for the retail environment.
  • Effective customer orders administration and high quality customer services.
  • Customer management capability with fully developed customer data, personalised services whilst ensuring data security.

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The Nature of Retail Pro Prism


Natively Modular Platform

Retail Pro Prism offers a modular application suite, equipping its users with the power to decide on the tools corresponding to their business needs.


Adaptable Platform Design

Prism is designed to seamlessly integrate with all existing versions of Retail Pro 9, ERP systems, loyalty, analytics or other platforms that are being used by the organisation.


Flexible UI


The software provides an intuitive, easy-to-use, and fully customisable User Interface. It’s built with a scriptable XML/CSS user interface, hence, allowing the users to tailor the product according to their unique business needs.


Real-Time Communications

Prism's system is kept up-to-date with your operational data, supporting real-time communications and can be constantly updated as much as you want.


Central Control


Prism's centralised communications make it possible to remotely upgrade software, ensure the integrity of critical data, and lock down critical preferences across stores while still allowing locations to modify their key details.


Database Neutral


With the goal to utilise the features of leading industry database platforms - Oracle and MySQL, Prism lets you choose the database technology that best suited with the status and budget.

How Retail Pro Prism stand out from other software

Improved Customer Experience

Enhance your store associates from simple cashier tasks with fully developed POS functionalities on any devices.

Improve your customer shopping experience with shorter wait and transaction time, personalised services and centralised transaction data in one single software.

Streamlined, Productive, Efficient Operations

Design your own workflows, plus ensure the consistency, simplify the training and reporting processes with zero difficulties.

Easily monitor and control employee accessibility and performances with detailed commissions and SPIFs data.

Capacity-Building Design

Expanding and adding new locations is easier than ever with Prism. The centralised management system makes it doable to oversee all different types of stores, immediately sell goods and have them shipped to any location.

The system supports an unlimited number of currencies, operates in any language and provides information across brand, franchise, and geography.

Exploit the future of retailing to the fullest with Retail Pro Prism's top-of-the-line features:

  • Touch-based POS system
  • Enhanced customer management
  • Flexible employee management
  • Efficient data utilisation
  • Real-time communication


All this and much more! Request a Demo today to explore the full capabilities of Retail Pro Prism.


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