TRG Blog

The Dark Side of High EQ in the Workplace & How to Mitigate It

Written by Rick Yvanovich | Wed, Jun 5, 2024

While Emotional Intelligence has clear benefits in enhancing interpersonal relationships and managing emotions, it is not without its drawbacks. Recognizing these potential disadvantages can help individuals and organisations strike a balance between EQ and other critical skills, ensuring a more holistic approach to personal and professional development.

Table of Content

I. Disadvantages of high EQ

II. Downsides of high EQ in the workplace

III. How to mitigate the dark side of high EQ

Disadvantages of high EQ

Much has been written about the bright side of high EQ, but what about its dark side? Let's explore some of the potential downsides of EQ in more detail.

1. Creativity and Innovation:

Studies suggest a possible link between high EQ and lower levels of creativity and innovation. People with high EQ tend to be more agreeable and team-oriented, which can be great for collaboration, but it might also lead to a hesitancy to challenge the status quo or take risks, which are important for creative breakthroughs.

2. Difficulty with Conflict:

Highly emotionally intelligent people are often adept at navigating conflict and finding solutions that appease everyone. However, this can sometimes lead to shying away from necessary confrontation or difficult conversations. Delivering constructive criticism or making unpopular decisions can be essential for progress, and high EQ might make these situations harder.

3. Emotional Labour and Burnout:

People with high EQ are often in high demand because of their ability to manage emotions and build rapport. This can be especially true in professions like social work, nursing, or customer service. However, constantly managing your own emotions and those of others can be draining and lead to burnout. It's important for people with high EQ to prioritize self-care and set boundaries.

4. Manipulation:

The ability to understand and influence emotions can be a double-edged sword. In the wrong hands, it can be used for manipulation. Someone with high EQ could use their social skills to exploit others or get their way unethically.

5. Overlooking Logic:

While emotional intelligence is crucial, neglecting logic and reason can be detrimental. Focusing solely on the emotional aspects of a situation might lead to overlooking important facts or making choices based on feelings rather than a clear assessment.

6. EQ Measurement Issues:

There's no single, universally accepted way to measure EQ. Many EQ tests rely on self-reporting, which can be unreliable. This makes it difficult to objectively assess someone's true EQ and creates challenges in using it for hiring or promotion decisions.

Downsides of high EQ in the workplace

People with high EQ can be very effective in the workplace, but unfortunately, their skills can also be used for negative purposes. Here's how:

1. Manipulation and Influence:

Playing the Victim: A master manipulator can use their EQ to downplay their mistakes, deflect blame, and frame themselves as the victim in a situation. This can gain sympathy from colleagues and superiors, making it harder to hold them accountable.

Flattery and Charm: Someone with high EQ can be very charming and complimentary, but use it insincerely to win people over and get what they want. This can be effective with colleagues who crave validation or mentors seeking to promote someone they like.

Gossip and Triangulation: A high EQ individual can be adept at social maneuvering, using gossip or rumors to turn people against each other and create conflict. This can benefit them by weakening potential rivals or creating situations where they become the "hero" who resolves the manufactured drama.

2. Political maneuvering:

Office Politics: People with high EQ can be very good at reading the emotional climate of a workplace and navigating office politics. They might use this skill to build alliances with powerful figures while undermining those they see as threats.

Forming Exclusive Groups: A manipulative person with high EQ might create a sense of camaraderie with colleagues, but use it to exclude others. This can create a toxic work environment and limit opportunities for others.

3. Sabotage and Taking Credit:

Stealing Ideas: Someone with high EQ can be good at subtly influencing conversations and steering credit for ideas that originated with others. Their ability to present themselves well can make it difficult to know where the genuine ideas came from.

Taking Advantage of Others' Emotions: A person with high EQ might withhold important information or create a false sense of urgency to pressure colleagues into making rash decisions that benefit them but harm the team.

Please keep in mind that these are just a few examples, and not everyone with high EQ will use it this way. However, it's important to be aware of the potential downsides and to be discerning when navigating workplace relationships.

How to mitigate the dark side of high EQ in the workplace

Mitigating the dark side of high Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in the workplace requires a multifaceted approach that involves fostering a culture of transparency, ethical behavior, and accountability. Here are several strategies to help achieve this:

Promote Transparency and Open Communication: A culture of open communication where employees feel safe expressing concerns can help prevent manipulation and hidden agendas.

Focus on Merit and Results: When evaluating performance, focus on objective criteria and results rather than just charisma or likability.

Develop Healthy Competition: Encourage healthy competition based on skills and contributions, rather than office politics and social maneuvering.

Train Employees on EQ: Provide training programs that teach employees about emotional intelligence, including the potential downsides and how to use it ethically.

Develop Critical Thinking Skills: Encourage employees to think critically and not rely solely on emotions when making decisions.

Promote Diversity of Thought: Having a diverse workforce with a variety of perspectives can help to counter manipulation tactics and ensure well-rounded decision-making.

By focusing on these strategies, individuals and organizations can leverage the positive aspects of high EQ while mitigating the potential for misuse in the workplace. Remember, emotional intelligence is a powerful tool, and like any tool, it's important to use it responsibly.

Overall, EQ is a valuable set of skills, but it's important to be aware of its potential downsides. Finding a balance between emotional intelligence, logic, and self-awareness is key to navigating these complexities.

Want to learn more about how you can harness the power of EQ? Explore our Emotional Intelligence solution today.