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4 Talent Management Trends That Will Drive Bussiness' Success in 2024

Written by Mai Hoai Thu | Fri, Dec 1, 2023

Unleashing the untapped potential of your team through talent management is not only essential but also the key to igniting innovation and driving profitability for organisations.

Various research reveals that companies at the forefront of talent management experience a remarkable 50% increase in revenue per employee [1]. Moreover, an astounding 78% of business executives consider talent management a top-tier priority, underscoring its vital role in achieving organisational success [2].

As a result, in the forthcoming years, talent management will receive even greater emphasis across businesses of all sizes and industries.

Expectations for talent development in 2024 will experience a shift. This article will explore trends affecting talent management, including aspects like recruitment technology, employee experience, succession management and planning, and continuous learning and skill development.

Read more: What is talent management?


I. Recruitment Technology Trends in 2024

Since 2023, nearly half of HR leaders, as reported by Gartner, have made substantial investments in a wide range of HR technologies [3].

Here are five cutting-edge tech solutions that are causing a stir in the industry.

1. Artificial Intelligence

A study conducted by Korn Ferry reveals that 82% of CEOs and senior leaders foresee a considerable or potentially profound impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on their businesses [4]. 

AI has become increasingly prominent in the digital realm, transforming various departments within businesses, including HR. Recruiters are leveraging AI capabilities to streamline and accelerate tasks such as crafting compelling job ads and communicating with candidates. Experts predict that the prevalence of technology-driven recruitment processes will soar in the early months of 2024.

However, traditional practices persist, as many recruiters continue to spend significant time manually screening CVs, conducting interviews, and completing hiring scorecards. Despite the widespread availability of AI tools to aid in recruitment, there is a growing hesitancy towards the use of generative AI in hiring processes.

The prevailing uncertainty in 2024 is expected to instil caution among organisations, at least until regulatory measures catch up with the pace of innovation.

Read more: Recruitment Automation: The 21st Century Way of Acquiring Talent

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2. Data-Driven Decision-Making

In the past five years, there has been a notable change in how companies employ data for decision-making in recruitment and talent management. In 2023, 40% of organisations indicated that they consistently make decisions based on data, reflecting a more than twofold increase over four years [5]. 

The use of data analytics to gain valuable insights into recruitment tactics, performance management, and workforce planning is reshaping talent management. Organisations leverage data-driven decision-making to enhance their talent management strategies, aligning them with overall company objectives.

The capability to make more strategic and informed decisions based on data-driven insights is expected to be a game changer in 2024, with advanced tech trends in talent management emerging.

Predictive analytics marks a significant evolution in how HR professionals approach recruitment, poised to have a substantial impact in 2024 and beyond. This trend utilises the power of data analysis to make proactive, well-informed decisions in talent acquisition and management instead of relying on outdated information and gut feelings like in the past. 

Predictive analytics introduces a data-driven approach. By meticulously analysing extensive sets of historical hiring data, encompassing attributes, qualifications, and performance of past hires, companies can uncover patterns and correlations that inform more precise and effective decision-making.

Read more: How Data Analytics Makes Life Easier for C-level Executives

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3. Psychometric Assessments

Since 2019, about 75% of Fortune 500 companies have implemented psychometric assessments in the recruitment process, and the usage rate is expected to continue to rise in the next years [6]. 

These assessments are standardised tests created to gauge an individual's cognitive capabilities, personality attributes, and job-specific skills. They come in various formats, such as cognitive ability tests, personality tests, and skills assessments. This is why leading companies opt for psychometric testing to recruit the most qualified talent. 

These assessments offer valuable insights to employers through actionable data, enabling them to make more informed hiring decisions.

Read more: 13 Rules to Follow When Using Psychometric Assessments

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4. Video Interviews and Assessments

With the ever-growing popularity and undeniable permanence of remote work, recruiters are showing a growing preference for video interviews and assessments.

A Gartner survey conducted since October 2020 found that 89% of companies acknowledged the use of video interviews in their recruitment processes. This trend is expected to continue growing, influencing how organisations engage with and evaluate potential candidates in 2024 [7].

The adoption of video interviews and assessments provides a significant advantage in streamlining the recruitment process. They eliminate the need for both candidates and hiring managers to be physically present in the same location, resulting in substantial time and resource savings. This is particularly relevant in an era where remote work is becoming the norm, enabling organisations to expand their talent search without being constrained by geographical limitations.

Read more: Impacts of pre-hire assessments on candidate experience

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5. Social Recruiting

TikTok is becoming a game-changer in recruitment marketing. TikTok ad spending is set to skyrocket from 18 billion in 2023 to a whopping 54 billion by 2027!

Why? Because a whopping 40% of Gen Z individuals prefer TikTok as their ultimate search engine. The platform has revamped its search algorithm, allowing users to conduct searches just like they do on Google, with cool phrases and SEO-friendly long-tail keywords.

Recruitics had noticed this and rocked TikTok campaigns, partnering with the platform to drop a case study that reveals how TikTok Lead Generation ads can amp up the game in generating those top-notch, super-qualified leads. TikTok is not just a dance floor; it is a hot spot for recruitment success!

Read more: Social Media Recruiting: The New Era of Attracting Top Talent

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II. Employee Experience Trends

2024 will be a year of positive, employee-centric talent management strategies, from enhanced employee experience to deeper engagement, mental health, work-life balance, and personalised career growth and development.

Personalisation is expected to continue playing a central role in talent management strategies. This could involve offering personalised learning and development paths, flexible work arrangements, and customised benefits packages.

In 2024, organisations are set to prioritise the enhancement of the overall employee experience. The goal is to attract and retain top talent by creating a work environment that not only meets individual needs but also boosts productivity and reduces turnover rates.

Read more: In a World of Volatility, Invest in Employee Engagement

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1. Employee Engagement

In 2024, the drive to attract and retain top talent will significantly influence employee engagement trends. One key focus will be on establishing a positive work culture within organisations.

Businesses will invest more resources in creating an environment that fosters contentment and happiness among their employees. Engaged employees, who grasp and embrace the company's mission, vision, and goals and perceive themselves as integral to accomplishing them, will play a crucial role in nurturing a harmonious and uplifting work atmosphere.

Read more: Why it is crucial to foster an engaged workforce

The anticipation is that creating such a positive work environment will not only boost employee happiness and productivity but also lead to an overall improvement in business performance.

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2. Employee Well-being

In 2022, a global Gallup report states that only 33% of workers are considered to be "thriving" in terms of their well-being [9]. The importance of employee mental health and well-being will therefore continue to grow in 2024, prompting companies to invest in talent management software, wellness programs, and all-inclusive well-being initiatives. 

By providing mental health resources and support alongside well-being Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), these platforms will help current employees reduce stress and achieve a better work-life balance. Employers who are not actively hiring new employees may prioritise these actions to maintain the success of their current workforce.

Read more: The Inevitable Truth: Why Motivating Employees is a Must!

Prioritising inclusivity and recognition is a dynamic strategy to elevate employee well-being. Think of it as a dance where inclusion and well-being move together in a harmonious rhythm. 

In inclusive workplaces, employee well-being thrives, creating a positive feedback loop. Moreover, individuals with high well-being levels naturally embrace inclusivity. Successful well-being initiatives groove to the beat of diversity, catering to the diverse needs of employees. 

It is a celebration where unique skills and efforts are recognised, creating an environment where everyone feels valued and supported. Picture it as a vibrant landscape where exemplary diversity and inclusion programs spotlight mental health and well-being as essential elements, contributing to the broader tapestry of workplace diversity.

This not only boosts job satisfaction but also encourages employees to showcase their talents more effectively.

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3. Personalised Career Advancement

Unlocking success goes beyond just acquiring digital skills; it is about how individuals connect, think critically, and prioritise self-care. A holistic and well-rounded skill set becomes the catalyst for achieving milestones. 

A personalised career development plan acts as a dynamic roadmap tailored to align the company goals with each individual’s unique goals. This roadmap provides clarity, direction, and purpose, empowering leaders to make informed decisions. 

However, the journey to professional success is a collaborative effort, with businesses playing a pivotal role. Forward-thinking organisations that have grasped the significance of skill development tend to prioritise assessing employee skills, pinpointing gaps, and implementing a robust Learning and Development (L&D) strategy to bridge such gaps. 

This proactive approach ensures that employees have the tools they need to thrive and maintain their edge in today's dynamic landscape, fostering a partnership where the growth of each individual is paramount.

Read more: What Should Your Employee’s Development Plan Contain? (P.1)

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III. Continuous Learning and Skill Development

For HR professionals, ensuring employees possess adaptable skills is vital. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and providing regular training opportunities, they empower individuals to contribute to the company's success.

Take TRG International as an example; we have embraced the Kaizen philosophy as a core value. Rooted in the Japanese words, 'Kai' means 'change" and 'Zen' is 'good', Kaizen embodies the spirit of constant, incremental improvement. 

In the face of rapid technological advancements, organisations may pivot towards skills-based talent management. Conducting needs assessments becomes crucial to pinpoint areas where additional training or development is needed, fostering a general uplift in skills. 

This proactive approach allows for the design of targeted training programs that specifically address skill gaps, ensuring the workforce remains agile and aligned with evolving business needs. Encouraging self-directed learning through tools and opportunities empowers workers to take control of their education and growth.

Read more: Why 360-degree Assessments Are Essential in Leadership Development

Leveraging cutting-edge technology simplifies these operations, facilitating access to training materials and streamlined performance tracking. Robust learning management systems and personalised training programs become indispensable for corporate agility and competitiveness. 

It is not just about keeping up; it is about staying ahead by embracing a culture of perpetual learning and skill enhancement.

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IV. Succession Management and Planning

94% of employers recognise the positive impact of having a succession plan on employee engagement levels [10].

The succession planning process involves pinpointing and nurturing potential future leaders within the organisation, ensuring a smooth transition of crucial roles and responsibilities. This trend is particularly prevalent among companies that have temporarily halted their recruitment processes.

Read more: Top Secrets in Identifying High Performers for Succession Planning

Beyond just a strategic HR practice, succession planning acts as a linchpin for overall performance and sustainability and a buffer against disruptions, maintaining leadership continuity in the face of inevitable transitions. 

As we navigate the endless stream of uncertainties in 2024, succession planning is a vital support system for organisations, ensuring seamless leadership transfers, preserving institutional knowledge, and identifying potential successors. 

It is time for organisations to proactively pave the way for succession, creating a framework that not only ensures uninterrupted leadership but also secures the future of institutional expertise.

Read more: Critical Steps in Succession Planning: Exploring the '3 Hows' Process

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In conclusion 

The landscape of talent management is rapidly evolving, and the trends forecasted for 2024 underscore the pivotal role it plays in shaping the future and success of organisations.

Unlocking the full potential of teams through effective talent management strategies has proven to be not just important but a key driver of innovation and the profitability of the organisation. According to research, businesses that excel at talent management outperform their rivals and generate higher revenue per employee.

Businesses that proactively implement these talent management trends will be in a strong position to draw in and hold on to top talent as we navigate the challenges of 2024 and maintain success in a market that is becoming more and more competitive.

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Discovering the hidden aspects of human behaviour and gaining insights into enhancing the growth of individuals and teams can be achieved through a valuable talent assessment based on psychometry. To explore talent management solutions for teams further, request a consultation from TRG Talent today!










