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TRG Talk: Project Management – Managing Project Communications

Posted by Huy Thai on

One of the key success factors of Project Management is connecting all the members of a team and delivering the right messages to the right people. The question is which channels would provide a consistent and suitable way of communication for all members? The answer will be revealed in this month’s topic: “Managing Project Communications,” a part of the TRG Talk: Project Management series, which is held by TRG International from 8:00 to 9:30 AM on Thursday, October 5th at PJ’s Coffee Sala, 145-147 Nguyen Co Thach, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City.

Project Management.jpgCommunications can determine whether the project is a success or not 

Having an effective way of communication is undeniably essential and a key factor that contributes to the success of a project. This, in turn, can help lower the barriers among members such as language and cultural differences, diversity, and discrimination etc. More important, effective communication can boost productivity, minimise errors, and facilitate smoother operations.

As a Project Manager, it can be a tough task to achieve success if you do not know how to communicate effectively with your team. Through the seminar, you will be introduced to various methods of obtaining the necessary information and how to pass them on to the right people. You can also develop the appropriate channels that match your employees’ types. Additionally, you will have an opportunity to discuss your problems with other experts from various fields to find your own answers.

About TRG International

TRG International is an IT, Talent and F&B company. We help people and businesses to shine. We help people be the best they can possibly be by selecting the right people for the right job and developing them to their full potential. We help companies by providing an IT solution that works quietly and brilliantly in the background, freeing them up to focus on their core and not having to worry about their IT systems. We do this for more than 1,000 clients in 80 countries.

TRG TALK - Project Management

TRG Talk: Project Management is a monthly meetup that allows project managers to discuss in detail what it takes to become great at what you're doing. The event takes place every first Thursday of the month. Please click the button below to be informed about our upcoming topics!

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