Recent TRG blog posts

Struggling with Fixed Asset Management? SunSystems May Be the Answer

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

Keeping track of fixed assets – property, plant, and equipment – is crucial for many businesses. Not only does it ensure proper accounting, but it also provides valuable insights into your company's financial health. Infor SunSystems Fixed Assets can be your one-stop solution for streamlined asset management. 

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Blog Topics: Financial Accounting Management Software, Infor SunSystems

Simple Way to Build Automated Workflows with Infor Document Management

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

Did you ever feel bogged down by manual document approvals? Is your desk overflowing with papers awaiting approval? If you answered 'Yes’ to these questions, it’s time to build some automated workflows. 

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Blog Topics: Cloud Computing, Infor SunSystems, Digital Transformation

How to Automate Fund Allocation in Insurance with SunSystems

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

For the insurance industry, the transition from manual to automated fund allocation is not just a technological upgrade; it’s a strategic imperative. It enables insurance companies to achieve unparalleled accuracy, efficiency, and compliance in their financial operations. 

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Blog Topics: Infor SunSystems, Digital Transformation

How Financial Services Firms Stay Efficient with SunSystems Inventory

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

If your company is currently utilizing SunSystems, you already appreciate the benefits of an integrated and robust platform. However, you might not be aware that SunSystems offers an Inventory Management module that could revolutionize the way you handle inventory-related tasks within your financial services business.

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Blog Topics: Financial Accounting Management Software, Infor SunSystems

Why Should You Entrust Your Financial Future to This 40-year Solution?

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

When SunSystems was first introduced back in 1982, Mark Zukerberg was not yet born, and most computer users still have not heard of a mouse. In the fast-paced digital world, four decades might feel like a century. Yet, SunSystems is not just surviving; it's thriving, outlasting many of its competitors. What's the secret to its longevity? More importantly, will it continue marching on for the next 40 years?

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Blog Topics: Financial Accounting Management Software, Infor SunSystems

Unveiling the Strategic Benefits of IFRS

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) compliance is often seen as a mountainous and challenging workload for many businesses, especially those operating multi-nationally. However, beneath the surface of technical and accounting complexity lie many benefits waiting to be discovered. IFRS, in fact, is not as scary and daunting as it seems.

Shifting your mindset is key to embracing the IFRS journey. By understanding its advantages, you can navigate the transition with clarity and confidence. This blog will help shed light on the two main benefits of IFRS adoption as well as how suitable solutions can lessen the daunting task.

Read more: IFRS 17 Overview: What Is It For? Who Is Affected? Why Should You Care?

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Blog Topics: Financial Accounting Management Software, Infor SunSystems

What are the Functions of a Hotel's Finance Team?

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

The finance team plays a crucial role in the success of any hotel business. From managing financial transactions to ensuring compliance with tax regulations, the finance team provides valuable insights and supports informed decision-making.

In today's digital age, hotel finance teams can leverage modern, hospitality-specific cloud accounting software to streamline operations, improve accuracy and efficiency, and empower the team to make more than just informed and timely decisions.

In this article, we will explore the important functions of a hotel's finance team as well as the benefits of adopting dedicated accounting software.

Read more: Financial Management in the Hospitality Industry: the Best Practices


Functions in the finance team of a hotel

1. Financial accounting: The backbone of hotel finance

2. Cost accounting: Enhancing transparency and resource utilisation

 3. Tax accounting: Simplifying Compliance

4. Auditing: Ensuring accuracy and minimising risks

5. Managerial accounting: Empowering informed decision-making

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Blog Topics: Hospitality solutions, Financial Accounting Management Software, Infor SunSystems

How Infor Partners with AWS to Drive Innovations

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

What motivates Infor to partner with Amazon Web Services (AWS)? How do both parties benefit from this collaboration, and what groundbreaking innovations are they able to achieve? Discover the efforts invested in strengthening the enduring relationship between these two influential technology giants in this article.

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Blog Topics: Cloud Computing, Infor SunSystems, Digital Transformation

Financial Management in the Hospitality Industry: the Best Practices

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

Financial management lays the very foundation of a successful business. Likewise, the most successful hotels rely on fundamental financial management principles to manage their property profitably.

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Blog Topics: Hospitality solutions, Financial Accounting Management Software, Infor SunSystems

Digital Transformation in Finance and The Changing Role of CFOs

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

The role of CFOs today has evolved significantly, becoming more dynamic and responsive to changing demands from internal stakeholders and external customers. The modern CFO is now involved in strategy creation and business transformation initiatives, acting as a strategic advisor to the CEO and the rest of the C-suite.

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Blog Topics: CFOs, Financial Accounting Management Software, Technology trends, Cloud Computing, Infor SunSystems, Digital Transformation

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Rick Yvanovich

 Rick Yvanovich
 /Founder & CEO/

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