New web sites launch for Citrix customers and partners – replacing My Citrix

Posted by Cuong Le on

On February 28, 2013, Citrix will launch a new Partner Central website for partners and a new My Account section for customers. These two new destinations will replace My Citrix.

At Citrix, we believe in innovating, improving and adapting to bring the best experience possible to our stakeholders. We asked customers and partners to give us feedback, we tested new approaches and designs and are happy to announce the upcoming launch of our new and improved properties.

citrix, my citrix account

What will happen to My Citrix?

The My Citrix website that you currently log in to will go away. For customers, all basic account management features will be easily accessible from My Account on Partners will be able to access tools and resources in a dedicated area called Partner Central.  Don’t worry, login IDs and passwords will remain the same and users will still have access to everything they have access to today. It’s just better.

What is changing?

My Account will be a new logged in area on where customers can easily access the tools they need to manage their company’s account with Citrix. The My Account link will be located in the upper right hand corner of Enhancements in the new My Account area include:

  • A single place to view and manage all interactions with Citrix.
  • A simplified view into the most frequently accessed tools and features, categorized so it’s easy to use. Whether Customers need to complete licensing tasks, view active service requests or manage support subscriptions, each section is clearly labeled and grouped with related services.
  • Direct access from so Customers have immediate access to the tools they need to manage their account from anywhere on the site.
  • Targeted high value content and promotions

Partner Central will be a new website exclusively for partners designed to help partners easily access all program information and resources to successfully sell Citrix solutions and products. The Partner Central link will be accessible from

Mark your calendars for February for these exciting changes and stay tuned for more details about the new Partner Central and My Account.

Source: Citrix's Blog


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