By Brian Hughes, senior business consultant, Infor Financials Brian Hughes
Do you want to track more information without using up any more of your Infor Financials SunSystems analysis dimensions?
Add fields: You can add an additional 30 fields (dates and text) to each transaction line quickly and easily. Simply set up the field labels using the “Additional Fields Setup" function and add them to your ledger entry screen using “Form Designer.” This will make them available for both data entry and reporting using Q&A (Vision).
Enter standard text: You can use the “standard text” option to enter up to 5,000 characters of text against every transaction. You can pick from a pre-populated list or just create a new standard text code as you're entering a transaction. You can use this function for other types of data too—not just for journal entries.
Free-form notes: You can add free-form notes to any transaction by selecting action/line/notes.
Unlimited hierarchies: You can define an unlimited number of hierarchies within Q&A (Vision) to create an unlimited number of “virtual analysis dimensions.” You’ll no longer need to enter division on a transaction when you can easily build that as a hierarchy (perhaps based on a department roll-up).
Link external documents: The V1 Document Management module lets you link external documents to transactions inside Infor Financials SunSystems for quick and easy review of electronic backup documentation.
Download Infor10 Financials Business (SunSystems) brochure to discover the full functions.
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Source: Infor Blog