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Rick Yvanovich

Rick is a versatile leader that wears multiple hats: he is USA Today and Wall Street Journal best-selling author, a Speaker, an Entrepreneur, a Techie, a Brit, a Baby Boomer, and a professional bean counter (hence the FCMA CGMA FCPA). Rick has worked for 30+ years in supermarkets, the accounting profession, breweries, newsagents, defence manufacturing, IT, property development and BP in the UK, China, Singapore, Switzerland and Vietnam. Rick views Coaching as essential to leadership and is inculcating the value in his own organisation. Thus, his current focus is on Ikigai, Life, Executive, Performance, Team, and Coaching Culture Coaching. Rick inspires and transforms professionals for consistently higher achievement through coaching.
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Recent TRG Blog Posts

Succession Planning: 5 Common Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

A poor succession plan cost Blackberry 4,500 employees and nearly $1 billion. While the absence of a succession plan is detrimental to the future growth of any business, rushing to draft one up without a deep understanding and careful consideration of all aspects involved can lead to unforeseen consequences. So, what are the tell-tale signs of succession planning failures?

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

A Primer on Budgeting: What is a budget and more

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

Budgeting plays a vital part in any organisation regardless of size. For some, the process of building a budget is downright tedious, time-consuming, and challenging. What's more, businesses have to worry about not only short-term budgets but also long-term ones. 

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Blog Topics: Planning and Budgeting, Enterprise Performance Management (EPM), Financial Accounting Management Software

How to Avoid the 'Job Candidates Ghosting Employers' Trend

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

Appeared in 2016, the term “ghosting” is first used to describe a situation for romantic relationships where a person “disappears” and cuts all connections with the other party without any explanation. Recently, this practice has expanded from the dating world to the workplace and became a nightmare for both candidates and employers. Fortunately, there are steps you can take in order to avoid being ghosted by candidates.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

The 4-Step Guide on How To Measure Corporate Training Effectiveness

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

According to a study done by ClearCompany1 in 2016, 68% of workers say training and development is the most important workplace policy. Nonetheless, many companies still view employee training as an expense instead of an investment. But despite all of the resources, time and effort put into making everything happens, many organisations fail to properly measure the effectiveness of the training.  

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Avoid These Mistakes When You Are Managing Gen Z Employees

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

If you are starting to see a handful of young, new employees here and there in your company who all have the “eager to learn new things” look on their faces and a smartphone in their hands, lucky you for spotting the first crop of Generation Z (those who were born from 1996 onwards). 

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Effective Job Interview Tips: How Microsoft Does It

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

Job interviews at tech giants like Google, Twitter, or Microsoft can be notoriously challenging with technical questions like "reverse a linked list" and brainteasers like “Why is a manhole round?” or "How many ping pong balls would fill a 747?" However, these interview questions are rapidly falling out of fashion in Silicon Valley because they can’t measure what they are supposed to.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Transformation in Employee Performance Management

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

Employee performance management used to be an end-of-the-year event for most companies, in which, people were rated and ranked based on the assessment results. However, this outdated way of evaluating that promote the competition between workers rather than bringing them together.

This explains why the old “competitive evaluation” model is slowly being replaced by the “coaching and development” model, which is more consistent and more focused on the employees. Today, the majority of leading companies have chosen to apply continuous performance review practices.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Innovative Recruitment Trends In 2019 You Cannot Ignore

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

The current job market is candidate-driven. This means the top quality talents now have in their hands the power to pick a particular employer based on their likings. As a result, acquiring skilled talents is becoming even more competitive, expensive and time-consuming. Fortunately, there are innovative recruitment trends in 2019 that can make the life of recruiters much easier. 

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Mass Recruitment: How LinkedIn Hire 100 Employees in 60 Days

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

In 2014, LinkedIn embarked on the journey of recruiting 100 individuals over the course of 60 days. Many thought it was an overstretching goal but LinkedIn managed to overcome such a challenge. How did they do it? What are the critical steps to a successful mass recruitment campaign? 

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

The Inevitable Truth: Why Motivating Employees is a Must!

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

Motivating employees can be one of your biggest challenges as an employer, but learning how to inspire your workforce is the key to a successful organisation. Constant pressure to increase productivity, profitability and revenue growth can often overshadow the importance of how an unengaged workforce can negatively affect corporate performance.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

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Rick Yvanovich

 Rick Yvanovich
 /Founder & CEO/

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