The 5 W's Small Businesses Consider When Seeking Voice Solutions

Posted by Rick Yvanovich

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When it comes to making business decisions, time is precious and the information available in today’s digital world is overwhelming.

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In this whitepaper, answer all the critical questions related to successfully choosing a voice solution: Who in the company should be in charge of finding a communications solution? What features are most desired in today’s market? When and how quickly do businesses typically decide to change telephony services? Where is the best place to search for options? And ultimately, why does one choose to go with a particular provider in the end?


“In the digital age, the concept of work being an activity rather than a place has emerged as a theme and differentiator. It is now crucial for telephony providers to develop services and features that promote mobility and are accommodating for remote workers outside of the traditional workplace." Matt Davis | IDC Program Director

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 Source:ITWhitepapers Author:Momentum

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Rick Yvanovich

 Rick Yvanovich
 /Founder & CEO/

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