Guideline to a successful ERP journey – Part 3: Stay on track

Posted by An Le on

As discussed in the lastest blog, the step 2 for an ERP implementation is to get started, which includes three main parts: developing a smart project structure, creating an effective network, and providing proper training for your organization.


After completing those steps, then you should finalise and stay on the right track for your ERP implementation. Make sure to check out these steps:

Step 8: Stay on the right track.

“Thoroughly plan and deliver post go-live support”

An ERP system requires more effort to be successful and on the right track despite going live. If the user-friendly environment is assured for the new ERP solution, business users will be more confident and comfortable while using this technical system, and the provision of high-quality, effective support that generates successful performance to the projects will be easily conducted. Otherwise, the system will not deliver effective solutions to the users, such as the exaggeration in the performance dip will occur along with the delay in change acceptance. Therefore, to ensure long-term success, ERP system must support final users through learning curve timely.

Recommended steps:

  • Actively support users with the minimum of a first few weeks after going live. The supporting activities and resources are defined such as building a network of highly proficient users that allows the end users to have a clear point of contacts for questions and concerns; preparing solutions for critical, unexpected problems.
  • Prepare an implementation toolkit for managers by creating a comprehensive list of new terms and definitions. The list also helps strengthen demand for changes, benefits and other key changes in their area. Therefore, the effect could be considered significant in delivering the right messages and accelerate the issues in the right ways. 
  • Set up regular meetings for the support and project team in order to generate discussion and answers for specific questions and issues in a timely schedule with the right actions in advance.

Step 9: Get participation through the “GPS” system.

“Embedding change means anticipating and mitigating resistance”

The engagement among organizations is essential to cope with changes while preserving performance. Such mandatory elements including speed and cooperation among departments are listed. For the end users, difficulties in adapting new technologies are foreseen, in which can make them feel overloaded without visible benefits. It is obligatory to implant new methods of working across the organization, foresee possible resistance and cooperate mitigating strategies and avoid end user workarounds.

Recommended steps:

  • Rewarding and recognising end users for achieving expected results and new solutions, thus help achieve organizational acceptance and boost knowledge sharing between employees.
  • Withdraw the system immediately. The urgency for end users to let the system go and the leverage for the new system will be lesser if the long-based system remain available. View-only access to historical information is on demand for a legacy system; however, it’s not necessarily available for performing system transactions.
  • Identify the reasons behind any lack of usage of the new technology. This is an important process as it helps address the issue and bring everything on track by identifying causes lying underneath. Provision of refresher training to those people who need it would be considered if necessary.
  • Remind the benefits for usage of the new system, remarking the “what’s in it for me?” question and how to generate the value by following the business process.

Step 10: Missing a turn doesn’t mean the end of the road.

“Identify, deal with and defuse unanticipated impacts”

Unforeseen impacts that were not analysed properly in any phrases of the project would be inevitable. It will be a waste of time, resources and efforts if organizations and employees rely on improper design of processes and results more serious problems in the new ERP environment.

Recommended steps:

  • Manage expectation sat go-live. The project team will be equipped to cope with obstacles and changes. There’s nothing to worry about not getting things done perfectly at the first time. Therefore, conveying the spirit of confidence to deal with changes helps encourage users to raise any concerns to cater the right solutions.
  • Provide clear feedback mechanisms to allow users the ability to notify the project team any inconsistency and examine the right solutions. Also unanticipated changes should be identified to avoid any failure.
  • Empower super users to equip the capability of dealing with different solutions. Having this tool will support you in any changing conditions when an issue comes. As a result, end users will be empowered to gain confidence and ability to cope with changes, thus resolve problems effectively.
  • Identify areas for continuous improvement and show interaction with the end users by letting them know the eager in generating further effective solutions, and facilitate engagement by rewarding people who show significant improvement.


Taking these 10 steps will certainly help you to establish and implement a more successful ERP system to your business. Make sure to review and check out the performance of your ERP through these guidances continously in order to keep your ERP performing at it maximum effeciency. 

Interested enough? Stay tuned to find out more helpful information about ERP in our next blogs.

Guideline to a successful ERP journey - Part 1: Planning >>>

Guideline to a successful ERP journey - Part 2: Get Started >>>

Or you can download our full whitepaper Your guide to a successful ERP journey” now to see all the steps.


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