3 best tactics for recruiting Millennials - Part 1

Posted by Rick Yvanovich

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Recruitment is a series of challenges that the HR department has to continually solve, from sourcing candidates to screening, interviewing, choosing the best fit and persuading them to accept the offer. Each challenge can be solved, but how well depends on organisations’ willingness to look at each group of candidates and do the following as it pertains to the successful recruitment of each group’s members: 1) keep the effective solutions, 2) stop the ineffective ones and 3) start new strategies. This is called the K-S-S method.

Tactics for recruiting Millennials

When applying the K-S-S method to recruiting Millennials, what should you focus on? There are three aspects that require your thorough consideration. In this blog, we will discuss the first aspect. 

Get Social

Keep: Using social networks to communicate job opportunities and interact with candidates

Does your organisation have an official fanpage on Facebook or a company page on LinkedIn? Take advantage of these channels to post your requisitions. Chances are that you will receive applications from those who “liked” your organisation on Facebook or whose friends tagged them in the comments so they’d see the listing. Alongside looking for opportunities online, Millennials also pay attention to building their professional images online, especially via personal profiles and activities on LinkedIn and other recruiting forums. You can find passive candidates through these channels – particularly LinkedIn – with whom you can interact and introduce opportunities to. Passive candidates take up a large portion of potential candidates, so don’t forget this “promised land”.

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Stop: Ignoring online complaints about the organisation from internal and external sources

If not handled carefully, social networks are a double-edged blade for your organisation’s reputation. Your current employees, in a moment during which they can’t control their emotions, might post negative statuses, complaining about the organisation, the job, the manager, colleagues or even conflicts and drawbacks in the working environment. They might argue that those statuses are limited to their friends and followers, but as the news spreads, information from a close source is more valid than rumours, causing serious damage to an organisation’s image in a potential candidate’s eyes.

Start: Engaging employer branding in social recruiting plan

You might have heard of “The Candidate” – an impressive recruitment campaign by Heineken back in 2013. They have recently kicked off a new one called “Go Places”. In a quick personality test in the form of an interactive online video, Heineken embeds an introduction into its organisational values as well as its working environment and employee lifestyle. Whether or not “Go Places” becomes a remarkable campaign like “The Candidate”, this online branding tactic is rather effective. Besides Heineken, many organisations convey their image to potential candidates via a number of social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and even Instagram.

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 Rick Yvanovich
 /Founder & CEO/

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