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3 Ways Blockchain Is Changing the Hospitality Industry

Posted by Thai Pham on

Blockchain technology has disrupted the way organisations view innovations in business. A blockchain is essentially a permanent and incorruptible ledger, providing visibility and audit-ability of all the transaction data, securing both digital assets and their value. For the hospitality industry, blockchain opens up new potentials and applications that are not only propitious but also inevitable in the future. 

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Blog Topics: Hospitality solutions, Technology trends

What is AIOps and Why It Will Shape the Future of Enterprise IT Ops

Posted by Thanh Nguyen on

You’ve heard of Digital Transformation, but do you know what comes after it? A long leap in technology will result in more changes in both IT ops and DevOps. From the vendors’ point of view, they have to adopt a new vision, from simply focusing on big data or machine learning, to the inception of a new generation of platforms that unify both of the technologies.

And the changing pace will only escalate drastically, leading to the rise of AIOps.

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Blog Topics: Technology trends, Business Intelligence, Analytics

An Introduction to Machine-to-Machine Communications

Posted by Ho Nguyen on

The efforts of enhancing machines and devices are changing the entire world we live in. Along with IoT, Machine-to-Machine communicationholds great promise in helping us to connect, automate and improve our lives from business, government to private individuals.

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Blog Topics: Technology trends, Enterprise Resource Planning ERP

What is Additive Manufacturing?

Posted by Ho Nguyen on

Additive manufacturing (AM) is a method of manufacturing products by adding layer upon layer of materials, navigated by a computer-aided-design (CAD) software. Sounds familiar? It is because this is also the concept of 3D printing.  

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Blog Topics: Technology trends, Enterprise Resource Planning ERP

How to Encourage and Nurture Innovation in Manufacturing

Posted by Ho Nguyen on

Innovation is critical to the manufacturing industry. But how does an idea evolve from inspiration to execution? Sometimes it’s a mystery, sometimes pure luck—and sometimes an idea comes to fruition via a carefully orchestrated process with many individuals participating, each person playing a vital role. What can you do to create an environment that’s conducive to creative thinking and encourages your people to act on those ideas?

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Blog Topics: Technology trends, Enterprise Resource Planning ERP

What are Collaborative Robots (Cobots) and Why are They the Future?

Posted by Ho Nguyen on

A collaborative robot (cobot or co-bot) is a robot designed to work alongside human workers in a shared workspace. On the contrary, industrial robots typically operate autonomously and with little physical interaction with humans. The role of cobots in the Industry 4.0 will only get bigger.

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Blog Topics: Technology trends, Enterprise Resource Planning ERP

Asia-Pacific Manufacturers Spending Big on Robots

Posted by Ho Nguyen on

The APEJ region (Asia Pacific excluding Japan) is expected to spend US$125.4 billion on robotics in 2022, tripling the spending in 2017, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 25.7 per cent from 2018 through 2022. APEJ is currently the largest robotics market and poised to account for more than 62 per cent of the global robotics spending in 2022, according to the research firm IDC.

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Blog Topics: Technology trends, Enterprise Resource Planning ERP

Manufacturers are Embracing Innovation and Here's Why

Posted by Ho Nguyen on

Innovation is a central component of the manufacturing industry. It can take many forms and address many functions. It can be a simple tactic for improving shop floor operations. It can be a concept for a new type of product or service. It can be a revolutionary approach that completely disrupts the way you do business.

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Blog Topics: Technology trends, Enterprise Resource Planning ERP

What is Predictive Maintenance (PdM)? Its Pros and Cons

Posted by Ho Nguyen on

For manufacturers, one of the top priorities is to maximise the machinery life cycle. As sudden machinery breakdowns can lead to downtime and expensive reparation. Consequently, manufacturing businesses have to look for a solution to reduce the maintenance cost and increase the equipment uptime and availability.

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Blog Topics: Technology trends, Enterprise Resource Planning ERP

What is a Digital Twin and its Implications for Manufacturing?

Posted by Ho Nguyen on

A digital twin is a virtual replica of a real (physical) object created by the data collected from sensors embedded in that object. The digital twin, therefore, provides a real-time digital representation of the object.

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Blog Topics: Technology trends, Enterprise Resource Planning ERP

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Rick Yvanovich

 Rick Yvanovich
 /Founder & CEO/

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