7 Key Benefits of Adopting Cloud Computing in the Enterprise

Posted by Thai Pham on

We are living in the internet boom, where information is transferred without borders anytime, anywhere. ‘Cloud computing’ has recently become the most talked about among IT pros and businesses regardless of sizes. Though surrounded by scepticism and concerns, cloud computing still prospers without any sign of its ending.

7 Key Benefits of Adopting Cloud Computing in the Enterprise

What is cloud computing and why is everyone talking about it?

In simple terms, ‘the cloud’ is the internet. Traditional computing requires the users to run their programs via a server or a computer which needs to be in close proximity to them, in the same building for example. Cloud computing stems from the same idea, but all the activities happen in ‘the cloud’, a.k.a the internet.

This modern era cloud has taken the internet by a storm and forever changed the way enterprises handle their businesses. In a recent survey done on 1800 IT savvy participants, the results show a 52% increase in demand favouring the cloud when establishing new applications and services. Small organisations are as interested in migrating their businesses to the cloud as large organisations. Demand from small and medium businesses are expecting to surpass large sectors due to the cost saving aspect of cloud computing.

There are scepticisms towards the reliability and authenticity of products or services designed via cloud computing, namely issues with data security and copyrights. Nevertheless, cloud computing continues to thrive, and along with the boost in demand is an equal decrease in prices, which make things even more exciting among enterprises.

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Benefits of adopting cloud computing

Cloud computing has become more and more popular by the minute and at an alarming rate. The movement to cloud computing is not at all unnecessary or sudden. Those who fail to adopt this innovative move will risk being ceased from existence. So, how enterprises can benefit from this trend?

1. Cost-effective

By adopting cloud computing in the enterprise, capital expenses can be kept to a minimum or completely cut down due to the fact that no on-site data centre is required (i.e no physical servers, hardware, software, electronic depreciation, etc....). On a side note, the amount of electricity used for power and cooling the servers is also lessen, which is quite friendly to the environment when you think about it.

With the save on capital expenses, physical data centres set up and maintenance, the much-needed fund can be used elsewhere and the firm can have more time to focus on their core business.

2. On-demand access whenever, wherever

Resources in the cloud can be easily stored, retrieved, recovered, or processed with just a couple of clicks. Users can get access to their works on-the-go, 24/7, via any devices of their choice, in any corner of the world as long as you stay connected to the internet. On top of that, all the upgrades and updates are done automatically, off-sight by the service providers, therefore, save time and team effort in maintaining the systems, tremendously reduce the IT team workloads.

3. Endless probabilities

Cloud computing offers a wide array of applications that generally fall under one of these three services:

  • Software as a service (SaaS)
  • Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
  • Platform as a service (PaaS)

In addition, the users have the option to create a private, public or hybrid network access, or the option to decide the location of your virtual data centre, the possibilities are completely customisable, unless are restricted by the company’s budget.

4. Adaptability

Along with endless possibilities created from an array of services, cloud computing can adapt to any changes. The firm can choose to accommodate 10,000 web users during a Christmas sales instead of 2,000 daily target. In another instance, the firm can choose to switch from private to hybrid network or choose to temporarily expand storage capacity, cloud computing can do all that seamlessly and effortlessly to satisfy the firm’s needs.

5. No mess, no fuss collaborations

More often than not, you are intertwined in a project that involves a severely altered file which has been passed around for gazillion times, the team has lost track in  the midst of chaos and no one is sure which one was the final product.

With cloud computing, files are stored at one place where everyone anywhere can virtually discuss (as long as the right access code was input), consistently see one version of the file, share real-time feedbacks thus improving productivity, minimize errors, guarantee customer satisfaction, the list goes on.

6. Data security

As previously mentioned at the beginning of the article, one of the major concerns of cloud computing is data security. The service providers ensure along with all the new and exciting features entail an update in security through audit and compliance. To further enhance clients satisfactory, all activities on the cloud will be closely monitored and frequently audited by a third party to ensure that security standards are met.

7. Get ahead in the game

Cloud computing is definitely on the rise with no sign of it ending. There has been an equally sharp increase in demand for migrating to cloud computing presented in both small-medium sectors and large, multinational ones. With advantages like swift services, cost and time efficient, eco-friendly and fuss-free collaborations among employees, adopting cloud computing can put your firm one step ahead of those who still incline with the traditional computing.

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What Is Cloud Computing? A Beginner’s Guide, Microsoft Azure, Aug 2017, https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/overview/what-is-cloud-computing/

What is Cloud Computing, PCMag, May 2016, https://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2372163,00.asp

What The Rise Of Cloud Computing Means For IT Pros, Forbes, Feb 2017, https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2017/02/28/what-the-rise-of-cloud-computing-means-for-it-pros/#e1e159455186

7 Benefits Of Cloud From An Enterprise Architect Point Of View, IBM, Mar 2014, https://www.ibm.com/blogs/cloud-computing/2014/03/seven-benefits-of-cloud-from-an-enterprise-architect-point-of-view/

The Benefits Of Cloud Computing For The Enterprise, Cloud Academy Blog, May 2016, https://cloudacademy.com/blog/the-benefits-of-cloud-computing-for-the-enterprise/

Why Move To The Cloud? 10 Benefits Of Cloud Computing, salesforce, Nov 2015, https://www.salesforce.com/uk/blog/2015/11/why-move-to-the-cloud-10-benefits-of-cloud-computing.html

Topics: Cloud Computing, Enterprise Resource Planning ERP

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