Why CHECK SCM Is the Leading Procurement Solution for Hospitality

Posted by Andrew Turton on

CHECK SCM is a comprehensive supply chain management, procurement and cost control solution trusted by many world's renowned hospitality businesses in over 60 countries, suitable for a single boutique hotel or an internationally dispersed chain alike.

Why choose CHECK SCM for Hotels & F&B Businesses Worldwide

The leading procurement solution for Hospitality

CHECK SCM was first introduced to the market back in the 1990s. Since then, it has been the market leader of supply chain management solution for hospitality with non-stop innovations and deep industry knowledge.  

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The system can be localised to support multiple languages, currencies, as well as complex local tax and reporting policies.  

Hotels can integrate CHECK SCM with their existing accounting system and Point-of-Sale solution to ensure a smooth data flow, and eliminate silos and duplicated information.  

CHECK SCM also offers flexibility in deployment. Hotels can choose to install the system either on-premises or in the cloud.

Its ability to handle Logistics, Purchasing, Inventory, and F&B Cost Control right has made CHECK SCM the go-to solution for many businesses in the hospitality industry.

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Taking your e-procurement system to the next level

1. Inventory Management  

Obtain a completely transparent view of the current inventory levels, eliminate order duplications, and maintain an optimal stock level with CHECK SCM Inventory Management function.

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The system helps simplify the delivery recording process by cross-checking the received batches against the quantities and prices noted in the purchase orders. In addition to recording different delivery sizes, CHECK SCM also allows for the recording of taxes, discounts, and freight charges as well as splitting orders into multiple invoices.  

What’s more, stock counts can be done using CHECK SCM printed stocktake sheets or using a provided handheld device (such as a barcode scanner). As CHECK SCM can also be integrated with POS solutions, the stock count process will be more accurate, eliminating embarrassing out-of-stock situations and expensive "last minute" replacement purchases.

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In some cases, stock gets transferred between stores, hotels, or functions. Users can simply raise a stock request and CHECK SCM system automatically notifies the appropriate person in charge, issues a stock transfer notice, and updates the "on-hand" inventory accordingly.  

Businesses can standardise menus to have a better control over their recipes and portion sizes with CHECK SCM’s recipe management capability. The function takes into account both the food and non-food components in a recipe as well as other factors, such as the store location, pricing, and seasonality.

Recipes are also considered products, which can then be counted, sold, written off, or transferred. Chefs and the kitchen staff can take advantage of this particular feature to document, share, or print their recipes.  

An added value is the demand and revenue planning based on menus and recipes. As a result, purchase requests and orders are automatically generated based on each hotel's needs, current available inventory, and product delivery schedule.

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Asset and non-inventory can be linked together and recorded to aid the tracking, managing and calculating depreciation. Similar to inventory items, purchases of new non-inventory and assets need to have prior approval.

2. Purchasing

CHECK SCM provides a completely transparent view of the business activities, from sourcing to product pricing, purchasing, and consumption.

With CHECK SCM, users can:

  • Efficiently manage contracts, schedule alerts to notify expiring contracts, and set authorisation for contract approval.
  • Utilise a wide range of tender request templates, or quickly create new one based on their specific needs.
  • Maximise business’ buying power, save costs, time, and any possible wastage with group purchasing function.

The system also generates purchase orders automatically instead of having the users manually do it. The system takes into account each supplier's location, delivery schedule, and the business’ requirements to create optimised and timely orders.  

Businesses’ can easily connect with suppliers via CHECK SCM's built-in portal for collaboration – eBusiness. Users can generate purchase orders and automatically send them via emails, track order statuses, pricing, negotiation, payments as well as the supplier's performance for further analysis. The system also supports procurement policies and procedures in more than 60 countries.  

3. F&B Cost Control

With CHECK SCM solution in place, businesses will rest assured that purchases are only made within budget and according to the negotiated price, usage, actual sales and seasonality. Approvals of purchase are given to specific users. And orders can only be made when they are approved.

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As for stock on hand, CHECK SCM identifies opportunities for slow-moving stock that is taking up too much storage space. Expiration dates are also recorded and closely tracked within the system to minimise wastage.

CHECK SCM calculates costs and margins at outlet and menu item levels to prevent businesses from overpaying. The ability to control over margin in combination with demand and revenue planning can help businesses make more informed pricing decisions.

Every spending is 100% captured, collated, and processed by CHECK SCM, from the department level down to each single stock item.  

The complete visibility, usability, and automation empower businesses to plan better, depict trends in customer behaviours and spending, and, most importantly, make better decisions.

Request a Check SCM today and find out!

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Topics: Hospitality solutions

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