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Internship testimonials - Episode 42: Challenges our interns faced during virtual internships

Posted by Quynh Nguyen Nhu on

Our interns come from diverse backgrounds and geographical locations, making it impractical for all of them to be physically present at our head office in Vietnam. To accommodate their needs and provide them with valuable work experience, we offer virtual internships that offer flexibility and convenience.

Read more: Internship testimonials - Episode 33: School is great, but nothing beats real-life experience

While virtual internships have their benefits, they also present a unique set of challenges. One of the main challenges is the lack of face-to-face interaction, which can sometimes lead to miscommunication or a sense of isolation.

However, at TRG International, we have implemented various strategies to overcome these challenges and ensure our virtual interns have a fulfilling experience.

Read more: Fostering Diversity and Inclusion Through Internship Programs at TRG

We aim to empower all of our interns, no matter whether they choose to work virtually, in the office, or hybrid, to take ownership of their work and make the most of their internship experience.

We believe that by providing them with the necessary tools and guidance, they can develop valuable skills, gain industry exposure, and make a meaningful impact in their respective fields.

Take a look at our video testimonial below, where you can discover the shared obstacles encountered by our talented and ambitious TRGers during their virtual internships.

About TRG International

TRG International is a global enterprise solution provider, focusing on delivering technical excellence. We believe that with the right solutions working quietly in the background, our customers can be free to focus on their core businesses.

TRG delivers more than just IT systems. We identify and implement the right solutions to elevate your business to new heights.

About our internship programs

At TRG International, we believe that every student has the potential to contribute to our team, regardless of their background. As a result, we designed a comprehensive guide that addresses all your internship concerns so you can make an informed decision.

Our internship program attracts students from all over the globe, and we strive to provide them with an enriching experience. From personalised onboarding and induction plans to team bonding activities and one-on-one feedback sessions, we prioritise our interns' growth and development.

If you are eager to discover more about our internship programs and currently available positions, simply click the button below. We can't wait to hear from you!

Explore Our Internship Opportunities

Topics: TRG, Internships


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