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Internship testimonials - Episode 43: Reliving your internship experience

Posted by Quynh Nguyen Nhu on

We all yearn for the opportunity to go back in time and make different choices. Whether it stems from a sense of regret or a desire to relive moments of joy, the longing to rewrite our experiences is a universal sentiment.

Recently, we posed a thought-provoking question to our interns: "If you could relive your internship, how would your experience differ, and what would you do differently?" Their responses were both fascinating and insightful.

To our surprise, many of them went beyond the conventional answers of adjusting their task approach or becoming more proactive. Instead, they expressed a deep longing for a world without the pandemic, where they could physically be in the office alongside their colleagues. It was truly heartwarming to witness their strong connections and yearning for a sense of community.

Read more: Internship testimonials - Episode 42: Challenges our interns faced during virtual internships

At TRG International, we value the input and opinions of our interns. Their comments and feedback hold immense value, allowing us to continuously refine and improve our internship program. By listening to their experiences and desires, we can create an environment that offers an enhanced and fulfilling journey for our future TRGers.

Check out our video testimonial below and discover the experience our interns had and the valuable insights they are eager to share.

About TRG International

TRG International is a global enterprise solution provider, focusing on delivering technical excellence. We believe that with the right solutions working quietly in the background, our customers can be free to focus on their core businesses.

TRG delivers more than just IT systems. We identify and implement the right solutions to elevate your business to new heights.

About our internship programs

At TRG International, we believe that every student has the potential to contribute to our team, regardless of their background. As a result, we designed a comprehensive guide that addresses all your internship concerns, so you can make an informed decision.

Our internship program attracts students from all over the globe, and we strive to provide them with an enriching experience. From personalised onboarding and induction plans to team bonding activities and one-on-one feedback sessions, we prioritise our interns' growth and development.

If you are eager to discover more about our internship programs and the positions available, simply click the button below. We can't wait to hear from you!

Explore Our Internship Opportunities

Topics: TRG, Internships


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