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High Performers with Difficult Personalities: Don't Suffer, Let's Do Something!

Posted by Thu Le on

There is one paradox in life that most of the individuals with an excellent job performance are also hard to manage and control. This is a reality in many organisations, but many try to avoid dealing with them and leave the problems to worsen.

However, when they choose to confront the person head-on, the situation tends to turn sour. Therefore, it is time to discuss the conventional ways to end these sufferings in order to create a better, healthier working environment for everyone.

TRG Talk Talent reveals ways to manage high performers with difficult personalities

This seminar belongs to TRG Talk: Talent with this month interesting topic “High Performers with Difficult Personalities: Don't Suffer, Let's Do Something!”, which provides you with series of steps in managing and retaining difficult high performers.

Attendees also have an opportunity to discuss with the most reputable speaker – Mr. Rick Yvanovich (Founder and CEO of TRG International). He has more than 30 years of experience in managing and training individuals from various industries and backgrounds.

Read more: Are your organisational stars hard to satisfy?

Should you confront the problems that these talented but difficult staff brought head-on? Through this seminar, we hope to equip you with essential information as well as the "dos and don'ts" of each solution that you choose. At the same time, Rick will explain various methods to minimise damage while still retain talents.

Talent High Performers with Difficult Personalities: Don't Suffer, Let's Do Something!

One of the great opportunities for attending the seminar is that you will be able to learn from the speaker and other attendees, who might also be experts and might have the answer to the problems that you are facing.  

Read more: 3 effective ways to manage difficult high performers

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TRG is an IT, Talent and F&B company. We help people and businesses to shine. We help people be the best they can possibly be by selecting the right people for the right job and developing them to their full potential. We help companies by providing an IT solution that works quietly and brilliantly in the background, freeing them up to focus on their core and not having to worry about their IT systems. We do this for more than 1,000 clients in 80 countries.

TRG Talk: Talent

Is your organisation caught in various problems revolve around talent management? Are you actively looking for ways to efficiently as well as effectively recruit and retain talented staff? TRG Talk: Talent series is a platform where all leaders can openly share their experience in managing talents, how to create and maintain a healthy working environment where everyone of any background, belief, and identity can work harmoniously. TRG Talk: Talent is held every fourth Wednesday of the month.

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