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Upcoming TRG Talk – Project Management: Emotional Intelligence (EI) and why you need it for success as a project manager?

Posted by Ngoc Doan on


Definition of Emotional Intelligence

The word “Emotional Intelligence” was first created by Peter Salovey and John Mayer in 1990. They defined EI as “the ability to monitor one’s own and other’s feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and use this information to guide one’s thinking and action.” In short, EI is the ability to recognise or regulate emotions in ourselves and others. Daniel Goleman expanded this concept with an emotional intelligence competencies and skills model for better leadership performance.

Emotional Intelligence in Project Management

Why is emotional intelligence important to us as project managers? Project Managers work in complex environments, and it’s not sufficient to bring only technical skills to that role to be successful. Project management is more than just defining the scope, creating plans, generating useful metrics for tracking time and costs. Although these functions are essential, failure to manage people will result in project failure.

Projects require individuals to work as a team to deliver specific objectives and outcomes. Project management is about collaboration, negotiations, and bonding people from diverse backgrounds to work together in a multifaceted environment driven by common goals.

As a project manager, you deal with people all day, every day, and you rely on them to get the job done. For example, you need to collaborate and communicate with many different stakeholders whilst be the leader they can trust and lead the team to deliver satisfactory results.  

In the upcoming seminar on 1st March 2018, we will discuss various methods will allow project managers and leaders at all levels to become more aware of their own emotional patterns and to create more resourceful and effective responses to the challenges of project management.

The seminar deliberations will be on the following themes: 

  • Set the tone and direction of the project
  • Motivate, inspire, and engage your team
  • Encourage flexibility and collaboration
  • Productively deal with stress, criticism, and change
  • Establish the kind of high morale that attracts top performers
  • And more.

Join us and be a part of the discussion on "Emotional Intelligence - Why You Need it for Success as a Project Manager?" to understand all facets of EI and how emotions can be leveraged to meet project goals.



About TRG Talk

TRG Talk is a series of events co-organised by TRG International and PJ’s Coffee Vietnam in order to promote the latest trends in not only the IT industry but also other rising and upcoming notions in the HR world, tips and trick in improving your project management skills, at the same time provide a meeting place for the CGMA, ACMA and FCMA community.

About TRG Talk - Project Management

A good Project Manager must be able to identify problems and risks. He/ She also needs to know how to minimise these issues and is able to make the decision needed throughout the entirety of the project. Do you consider yourself a good project manager? Do you have the required skills and power to handle the situation and the people involved in your project?

TRG Talk: Project Management is a monthly meet up that allows managers to discuss in detail what it takes to become great at what you're doing. TRG Talk: Project Management takes place every first Thursday of the month.

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