What to Look For in Workflow Automation Software

Posted by Rick Yvanovich

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In previous blog posts, we have discussed why workflow automation software is a worthwhile investment as it frees up human resources, increases efficiency, reduces errors in both information gathering and overall processes, and reduces your overall costs.

Now the question becomes: how to select such a system? Here are our top tips for what to look for in workflow automation software.

What to Look For in Workflow Automation Software

What to look for in workflow automation software?

1. Simple in design but not in functions

One of the must-haves of workflow automation software is its usability. You should not need a degree in computer science to be able to use the software. With that said, the software must not be simple in what it can do either. The difference is that the software should do the complex underlying processes for you, while the interface allows you to perform tasks via simple drag-and-drop.

In addition to usability, the software also needs to be easily customised and workflows easily edited without you having to write your own codes. You should be able to add extra steps, change forms, and restrict or give access without the entire workflow breaking down.

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2. KPI-based reporting system

One of the great things about automating your workflows is the amount of data you can get on how your workflows are performing. An effective KPI-based reporting function will provide you with insights to identify where improvements are needed.

3. Customisable notification system

The whole point of automating your workflows is that they work in the background without you having to press start. Therefore, the software you are looking for needs to have a reliable notification system that only alerts your employees when necessary. The notification system should be customisable, allowing people to decide when and where they want the notifications, to allow for maximum efficiency and satisfaction with the system.

4. Compatibility with other tools

Your workflows are not contained in your workflow automation software only. They draw upon many functions and processes in your business. Therefore, you need to ensure that the workflow automation system you are considering is compatible with the other applications that your business utilises. If you invest in software that is not compatible with your other tools, you will most likely end up with a worthless investment that will generate more problems than it is worth.

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5. Transparent pricing

Always look for software with transparent pricing as it can get costly very quickly for having too many fancy features with little use for your business.

The standard approach for workflow automation is a monthly software-as-a-service subscription. This will often come with customisable pricing depending on what you need out of the service. 

6. Security

A lot of sensitive data is managed through your workflows. As such, you need to ensure that the software has a robust security function in place that will prevent major data breaches. Another essential feature in this department is permission controls. Not everyone that is part of a given workflow is cleared to view and edit certain information. Therefore, you need to be able to manage who has access to what in your workflows.

Guide to Select Enterprise Automation Tools

Topics: Enterprise Performance Management (EPM), Financial Accounting Management Software, Business Intelligence, Analytics

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 Rick Yvanovich
 /Founder & CEO/

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