3 Simple Tips for Recruiting Recent College Graduates

Posted by Khoa Tran on

It’s that special time of year when a new batch of college graduates are getting ready to enter the workforce. As college seniors scramble to finish final papers, pass exams, perfect their resumes and enjoy what little time they have left on campus, they’re all on a mission to find the job of their dreams.

So how do organisations find the right job candidates in the mix of all these recent college graduates? Here are some tips to recruit the best recent college graduates.

3 simple tips for recruiting recent college graduates

Tips for hiring college graduates

1. Attend College Job Fairs (and be prepared!) 

Job fairs are a great way to meet and network with hundreds of the country’s brightest students. It’s where you can collect business cards, resumes and conduct mini screening interviews. These fairs are also a great branding opportunity to get your company’s name out there.

But make sure when attending job fairs that you’re fully prepared and you effectively promote your organisation’s values and corporate culture. Students want to know about the work environment and advancement opportunities!  

2. Use Social Media

Yes, social media has become a popular platform for recruiting. Just as you are googling potential job candidates, they are googling you. And social media is a great way to “get personal” and connect with potential employees. Mashable.com has great tips on how to recruit college students with social media, which include creating a recruiting-specific Twitter account, shooting a short behind-the-scenes video at the office and host live chats to answer questions.

Read more: Entry-level Recruitment: Meeting Generation Z

3. Look for passion

When recruiting, it’s always important to hire individuals that have passion and drive to be successful. In addition to a student’s great credentials and strong G.P.A., you want to hire employees that are excited to be there and want to contribute to your organisation.

Interested in developing yourself professionally? Why not work for us? Our teams at TRG International are looking for talented individuals like you. Check out our currently available positions via the below link.

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For more advice on how to successfully recruit recent graduates, please download our whitepaper "A Guide to Entry-level Recruitment" now. 

Download Whitepaper Entry-level recruitment: Meeting generation Z

Topics: Talent Management

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