Infor Document Management Cloud Capture Integrated with Infor OS Multi-tenant

Posted by Rick Yvanovich

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Organisations are gradually using technologies to boost efficiency and output quality of work as technology evolves to keep up with societal trends. In this post, we will provide an introduction and a brief demonstration of Infor Document (IDM).

But what is IDM Capture? IDM Capture is an IDM plug-in that works with Infor OS Multi-tenant. It is commonly referred to as Infor Optical Character Recognition or OCR, but today we will discuss some of the more significant advantages.

Read more: Infor OS – The Foundation of Future Enterprises

Infor Document Management Cloud Capture Integrated with Infor OS Multi-tenant

The data challenge

Let's start with the data problem. The vast bulk of data is unstructured. Information that does not have a predetermined data model or is not arranged in a particular fashion. Contracts, multi-page PDFs, and invoices are all unstructured.

A contract received by a client as an email attachment, a document in a voicemail to an accounting department, or a sales order in a folder are all examples of physical and digital material. Manual document processing not only slows down the process but also has a knock-on effect on all downstream processes.

The first thing you must address is your search skill. You must ensure that knowledge workers can locate what they need to do their tasks. You may need to be able to submit a PDF of the document to a repository as well as certain data points to an ERP. You now have information that may kick-start the entire workflow including procedures such as data categorisation or context comprehension.

Read more: Building a Healthy Data Culture: 7 Factors to Consider 

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What is Classification?

Classification is a necessary step in automating the separation or sorting of bundled document sets. It tells the system when one document finishes and when another starts. You may blend invoices and purchase orders and it will recognise the difference without the use of separator pages.

After classification, you may extract data based on the document type. This knowledge has the potential to be a great facilitator for applications. The metadata required varies depending on the kind of document. Aside from the advantage of reducing human data entry, having metadata that is particular to a kind of document increases its value.

Even more critical, the data must be accurate and confirmed. Having an incorrect invoice number is worse than not having an invoice number at all. Accurate metadata allows essential content business functions such as document storage, security controls, workflow, RPA enablement, and approvals and routing.

Read more: Guide to data management


How do today's firms address their issues? The answer is to AUTOMATE IT.

The software finds, extracts, and offers crucial information to reveal the remaining 80% of dart data. When firms automate to this degree, they save processing time and eliminate costly human mistakes.

IDM capturing improves the performance of downstream data tools.

Approach to Context-Driven Productivity

Context Driven Productivity is a practice that aims to nurture the contextual data required to maximise process automation projects.

Context Driven Productivity helps today's firms to provide better customer and employee experiences since you have more information and a greater capacity to use artificial intelligence.

IDM Capture and AI

Businesses nowadays are utilising AI through supervised machine learning, in which algorithms are given data and instructed to interpret it without preconceived rules.

It requires extremely little user input or training and is predicated on the premise that systems can learn from data, recognise patterns, and make choices with very little human participation.

Read more: Data Management vs Information Management - What You Need to Know

Let's look at how Infor is utilising this technology.

IDM Capture speeds up processing by automating data extraction and document categorisation. Only exceptions require validation. The information is now searchable and actionable. And our solution is as scalable and adaptable as you require.

Here's an illustration of the communication process.

Infor document management IDM capture

Communication process

IDM Capture pulls in documents and content and feeds it to ION through the API layer, that process layer feeds it back into CloudSuite with all the enrichment we covered here today.

This is the IDM Capture solution from Acquire to Deliver.

Infor document management IDM capture

IDM Capture solution from Acquire to Release

On the left, you can capture from the folders, scanners, fax machines, email attachments, or your phone. You then clean it up, disk (Q:), and remove blanks. It can classify that document type which is how you can assign your business roles. Then you extract the needed data. You might do a database lookup and use fuzzy logic if you need it for validation. And then finally, deliver that good data to Infor, a repository, or whenever you need it to go.

We acquire good data and enrich it and move it to Infor with certified integrations to CloudSuite, M3, LN and more. We take it to the next level of efficiency, productivity, accuracy, and cost-saving.


The following will be the interface. You might be familiar with the Infor login screen.

Infor document management IDM capture

From your Infor dashboard, navigate to IDM capture.

This will take you to the Infor Capture home screen.

Here, you’ll see a list of batches. When we click on that batch, you will see a batch of invoices being indexed. You can see all the other documents in this batch are green or good to go. There is one exception here for validation, where the software had issues capturing the invoice number.

However, if we acknowledge the invoice number, you can click on it or just enter it. Correcting that one exception has allowed the batch to be closed.

All the other data is captured above document confidence thresholds. And if you open IDM, you can see the document archived in IDM, and we can see the attributes it has extracted.

Business Value

Accounts Payable: Invoicing

Accounts payable invoicing is one of the most successful use cases because it can turn a cost centre into a profit centre. Anywhere you find a lot of manual processing, you find a big return on investment. Manual AP processes are time-consuming, error-prone and open to fraudulent activity.

The cost to process a single invoice average around $14.38, take almost 11 days and rarely can be straight-through processing. With smart capture, it can slash that processing cost to $2.52, from 11 days to 3 days and increase straight-through processing to 63%.


It doesn’t stop in the ATP Department in healthcare. You can automate the capture of patient intake records, billing documents, patient records, lab reports and insurance. Think about the automated claims process that can cut your labour costs in half, cut processing time from 75 days to 8 days

Banking & Mortgage

In Finance, businesses can onboard customers quicker, and process loans faster by 80 to 90% - A big improvement in customer service.

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Topics: Cloud Computing, Digital Transformation

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Rick Yvanovich

 Rick Yvanovich
 /Founder & CEO/

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