Overthinking's Toll on Gen Z in the Workforce

Posted by Mai Hoai Thu on

Explore the internal struggles of Generation Z professionals, their fears in the workplace, strategies to combat overthinking, the positive aspects of deep thought, and tips for recruiters to support Gen Z employees.

Discover how creating a supportive work environment and utilising tools like Great People Inside's (GPI) assessments can enhance employee well-being and overall workplace culture.

Table of Contents: 

Overthinking's Toll on Gen Z in the Workforce

Gen Z: Bold on the Outside, Fragile on the Inside

Gen Z, often perceived as "bold" and "daring," carries a hidden vulnerability that many fail to recognize. Despite their outward confidence, these young professionals grapple with an internal struggle when it comes to claiming benefits and asserting themselves in the workplace.

This "overthinking dilemma" stems from a complex interplay of factors, including a lack of competence and the fear of being gossiped about by colleagues.

Read more: The Future of Work from Gen Z & Millennials' POV: What Numbers Tell Us

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The Silent Fears of Gen Z Employees

Gen Z employees often find themselves paralysed by a multitude of fears that keep them silent in the workplace. These fears include:

  • Fear of boss criticism: The anxiety of receiving negative feedback from superiors can be overwhelming.
  • Fear of colleague gossip: The concern that coworkers might talk behind their backs creates a sense of paranoia. This fear is amplified by their experiences with cyberbullying, making them hyper-aware of potential social threats.
  • Fear of not being favoured: The desire to be liked and appreciated by everyone in the workplace can be all-consuming. This stems from the “like culture” of social media, where popularity is often equated with success.
  • Fear of alienation: The worry of being ostracised or excluded from workplace social circles adds to their stress. For a generation that values inclusivity and diversity, the thought of not fitting in can be particularly distressing.
  • Fear of missing out (FOMO): The anxiety of not being part of every conversation or decision can lead to over-commitment and burnout.

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Escaping the Ocean of Thoughts

To combat overthinking, Gen Z employees can employ several strategies:

  • Recognise when you're overthinking: Identify signs such as unnecessary stress, anxiety, and repetitive thoughts. Mindfulness techniques can be particularly helpful in developing this self-awareness.
  • Set time limits for thinking: Try to accept the current situation when the time is up if there is no positive result. This “worry window” technique can help contain anxious thoughts for a specific timeframe.
  • Engage in stress-reducing activities: Participate in sports, meditation, or go on a vacation to clear your mind. Physical exercise, in particular, has been shown to reduce anxiety and improve cognitive function.
  • Seek support: Remember that overcoming overthinking requires persistence and continuous practice. Do not hesitate to reach out to mentors, therapists, or other colleagues for assistance with professional guidance.
  • Embrace imperfection: Understand that mistakes are a natural part of growth and learning. Adopting a growth mindset can help alleviate the pressure of perfectionism.

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The Positive Side of Overthinking

While excessive overthinking can be detrimental, there are instances where it can be beneficial:

  • Important decisions: Careful consideration can lead to firmer, more confident choices. Gen Z’s tendency to analyse multiple perspectives can result in more informed decision-making.
  • Risk prediction: Analysing possibilities and consequences can help prepare for difficult situations. This cautious approach can be valuable in risk management and strategic planning.
  • Creativity and problem-solving: Considering every aspect of a problem can lead to new and effective solutions. Gen Z's capacity to think creatively and question conventional wisdom can foster innovation.
  • Empathy and understanding: The tendency to consider multiple viewpoints can foster greater empathy and emotional intelligence, valuable traits in team environments.

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How Recruiters Can Help Overthinking Gen Z

Creating a supportive and inclusive work environment is crucial for addressing the mental health challenges faced by Gen Z. Employers and organisations can play a pivotal role in fostering a culture of understanding and support.

  • Mental Health Training: Provide mental health education for managers and supervisors to equip them with the knowledge and skills to recognize and respond appropriately to mental health issues within their teams.
  • Open Communication: Encourage honest discussions about mental health challenges to destigmatize the topic and create a more understanding workplace culture. Regular check-in and anonymous feedback systems can facilitate this open dialogue.
  • Flexible Work Arrangements: Offer options such as remote work, flexible schedules, and mental health days to promote work-life balance and alleviate stress. This flexibility aligns with Gen Z’s desire for autonomy and work-life integration.
  • Mentorship Programs: Implement structured mentorship programs that pair Gen Z employees with more experienced colleagues. This can provide guidance, reduce feelings of isolation, and help build confidence.

Read more: Avoid These Mistakes When You Are Managing Gen Z Employees

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While Gen Z may appear bold and daring on the surface, it is essential to recognise and address the internal struggles they face. By implementing strategies to combat overthinking and creating supportive work environments, both individuals and organisations can help this generation thrive in the workplace. Remember, the journey to overcoming overthinking is a continuous process that requires patience, understanding, and a collective effort from all parties involved.

One powerful tool that can assist with this process is Great People Inside (GPI), a cloud-based platform offering a suite of assessments and surveys designed to enhance various aspects of talent management. The solution allows you to take a proactive approach to employee development, potentially preventing workplace depression and boosting retention.

Download the GPI brochure to learn more about this talent management solution today!

Download GPI brochure | Talent management

Topics: Talent Management, Careers

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