Job interviews at tech giants like Google, Twitter, or Microsoft can be notoriously challenging with technical questions like "reverse a linked list" and brainteasers like “Why is a manhole round?” or "How many ping pong balls would fill a 747?" However, these interview questions are rapidly falling out of fashion in Silicon Valley because they can’t measure what they are supposed to.
Recent TRG blog posts
Effective Job Interview Tips: How Microsoft Does It
Posted by Rick Yvanovich on Fri, May 17, 2019
Blog Topics: Talent Management
Transformation in Employee Performance Management
Posted by Rick Yvanovich on Sat, Apr 6, 2019
Employee performance management used to be an end-of-the-year event for most companies, in which, people were rated and ranked based on the assessment results. However, this outdated way of evaluating that promote the competition between workers rather than bringing them together.
This explains why the old “competitive evaluation” model is slowly being replaced by the “coaching and development” model, which is more consistent and more focused on the employees. Today, the majority of leading companies have chosen to apply continuous performance review practices.
Blog Topics: Talent Management
Innovative Recruitment Trends In 2019 You Cannot Ignore
Posted by Rick Yvanovich on Sat, Apr 6, 2019
The current job market is candidate-driven. This means the top quality talents now have in their hands the power to pick a particular employer based on their likings. As a result, acquiring skilled talents is becoming even more competitive, expensive and time-consuming. Fortunately, there are innovative recruitment trends in 2019 that can make the life of recruiters much easier.
Blog Topics: Talent Management
Mass Recruitment: How LinkedIn Hire 100 Employees in 60 Days
Posted by Rick Yvanovich on Fri, Apr 5, 2019
In 2014, LinkedIn embarked on the journey of recruiting 100 individuals over the course of 60 days. Many thought it was an overstretching goal but LinkedIn managed to overcome such a challenge. How did they do it? What are the critical steps to a successful mass recruitment campaign?
Blog Topics: Talent Management
The Inevitable Truth: Why Motivating Employees is a Must!
Posted by Rick Yvanovich on Sat, Mar 23, 2019
Motivating employees can be one of your biggest challenges as an employer, but learning how to inspire your workforce is the key to a successful organisation. Constant pressure to increase productivity, profitability and revenue growth can often overshadow the importance of how an unengaged workforce can negatively affect corporate performance.
Blog Topics: Talent Management
Social Media Recruiting: The New Era of Attracting Top Talent
Posted by Rick Yvanovich on Mon, Dec 17, 2018
As we move into a new era of recruiting, the age of the resume may be drawing to a close. Social media is becoming increasingly popular as a way for recruiters to find the best possible candidates for open positions. According to a recent survey by Jobvite, 92 percent of recruiters are using social media to find new talent in 2012. The survey reports, “Social recruiting has become an essential resource in the war for talent as competition is fiercer than ever.”
Blog Topics: Talent Management
See Yourself Through the Eyes of Your Employees
Posted by Rick Yvanovich on Sat, Dec 15, 2018
If a stranger asks you to rank your management team on a scale of one to ten in areas such as communication, delegation, etc, what would you say? Most people would rank them unrealistically high for fear that their answers would get back to their boss. How many of you can say that you would answer 100 percent truthfully in your own opinion?
Blog Topics: Talent Management
Keep Your Superheroes: 6 Steps to Reduce Employee Turnover
Posted by Rick Yvanovich on Fri, Dec 14, 2018
Do you know what is important to your prospective and current employees? Do you work hard to meet those needs? If you answered yes to both questions, then you probably have a low employee turnover rate. However, this is not the case for all employers and many companies struggle with the issue of employee turnover.
Blog Topics: Talent Management
3 Essential Steps to Help Managers Manage Change
Posted by Thai Pham on Thu, Dec 13, 2018
Leaders are catalysts for change in organisations and managers are necessary for managing change through the rank and file workforce. Unfortunately some managers resist change, especially if they have already lived through previous change initiatives that forced them to do more with less. Managers who are unwilling to embrace change have distinct characteristics that put them "at risk" for derailing in their careers.
Blog Topics: Talent Management
Want to Grow? Move Out Of Your Comfort Zone and Into the Growth Zone!
Posted by Rick Yvanovich on Wed, Dec 12, 2018
Growth is a constant topic of conversation these days. Executives want to grow their leadership skills. Health-conscious folks want to grow their own food. Bodybuilders want to increase the size of their muscles. Companies desire to exponentially grow their sales numbers.
Blog Topics: Talent Management