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Why TRG Is Building A Coaching Culture and Why You Should Too

Posted by Quynh Nguyen Nhu on

Passion, Integrity, Collaboration, and Kaizen have always been TRG's four core values. For years, our teams at TRG International have been living up to those values, and we are proud to say they are now a part of our company's DNA.

Our teams accomplished that goal by focusing on growing and nurturing talents and encouraging each other to keep on learning and improving themselves. As a result, we were able to build a cohort of highly engaged individuals.

Not until 2018 that we seriously looked into coaching and adopted it along with Innovation into our core values. Coaching is now the lifeblood, the mantra, the culture, and the way forward that Rick, as well as the rest of the teams of TRG, actively promote.

Read more: Want to Empower Your Employees Even More? Be Lazy!

Why do we choose coaching?

Coaching brings immense benefits that can only be recognised through immersing oneself in it and practising it. During this unprecedented time, coaching is more crucial than ever. With the right technique, coaching can help leaders to understand the want, the need, and the why within each employee. Coaching empowers individuals to strive harder to achieve breakthrough results.

The coaching journey at TRG begins with a forward-looking leader - Rick Yvanovich.

Rick is constantly on a lookout for ways to develop himself and his team, and the best way to encourage one to keep on learning and continuously improving is through coaching programs. Through countless encounters with coaches, Rick feels intrigued to explore all facets of coaching. He actively passes on his knowledge, applies what he has learned into practice, and openly shares his experiences.

Rick employs coaching techniques into his daily conversations with his team and has since seen positive, incremental changes every day. An increasing number of employees feel more motivated and express interests in coaching.

Interested in hearing Rick's story on becoming an executive coach? Get in touch with Rick today and find out!

Rick during a coaching session with Tribee team

Rick during a coaching session with Tribee team

Admittedly, we did ask for help from an expert! Yes, we sought professional support because we could not achieve the desired results alone or from reading a few books.

What did we get coached on? We get coached to ask the right questions. Instead of telling members what to do and how to do it, TRG's internal coaches, particularly Rick, have reshaped the way questions are asked to empower team members to come up with adequate solutions.

In the hope of building a strong coaching culture, Rick has also made managers accountable for developing their team members. This further emphasises coaching is a vital skill in TRG, and team members are encouraged to get trained, to openly talk about it, and practice coaching whenever they deem fit.

Read more: 4 Steps to Building a Great Company Culture from Ground Zero

Empower leaders to become coaches through coaching programs

Since early 2020, TRG's teams of talented, enthusiastic, and eager leaders have been attending various coaching sessions delivered through the Leaders Create Leaders (LCL) program. The 3-day leadership and coaching workshop dives deep into the Circle of Choice framework to explore how it can better equip oneself as a coach and a leader. As a result, leaders can grow their own teams of leaders more effectively and intentionally.

Rick - Leaders Create Leaders

Rick attended July 2020 's Leaders Create Leaders Cohort

Check out upcoming Leaders Create Leaders programs on Facebook here.

During this highly volatile and unpredictable time, a strong, empathetic, adaptive leader, who knows how to interact with members through coaching, is crucial. Coaching can boost engagement, unlock hidden talents, and so much more. Thus, teams will be able to take on new challenges.

It is no surprise that the 2-year relationship has now developed into a partnership with a strong commitment to growing a positive and empowering coaching culture.

We are proud of the results the teams at TRG have achieved so far through LCL programs. Warren has inspired us to pursue coaching and transform ourselves. Success is in our hands, and we can’t wait to show it to you in the future!

We have also partnered with ITD World to provide our teams and customers even more options on coaching and mentoring programs. ITD World develops over 238 programs. Their impressive team consists of more than 100 dedicated mega gurus, industry experts, leading trainers, speakers, coaches, and consultants from around the world.

If you are looking for more intensive programs for yourself, check out what services ITD World has to offer here.

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Rick Yvanovich

 Rick Yvanovich
 /Founder & CEO/

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