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A Day in The Life of A Marketing Intern at TRG International

Posted by Quynh Nguyen Nhu on

A day in the life of an intern from an intern’s perspective.

Mads Nielsen


  • Position: Marketing Intern
  • School: Aalborg University
  • From: Aalborg SØ, Northern Region, Denmark

One of the many great things about being an intern at TRG International is the opportunity to be a part of many events and activities. You could, for example, help represent TRG at a career fair, which allows you to get out of the office, visit different universities around Ho Chi Minh City and promote TRG to students. 

You could also help out with other TRG's events regularly hosted at the office, namely the TRG Talk seriesIf you do not want to be part of the organising team, you can still support by writing an article summarising the event. 

Read more: TRG strives to build and promite a positive environment

Still can't quite imagine what's it like being an intern at TRG International? Here is a sneak peek into my normal day at work.

I arrive at work a little before 8 AM and sit with some of the other TRGers down at PJ’s Coffee to enjoy a nice cup of coffee before beginning with our day. Fun fact: when you work at TRG, you get to enjoy any drink at PJ's Coffee for FREE!

TRG is quite flexible with working times. So, if you encounter an unexpected issue one morning, you do not need to worry about getting into trouble for being late.

One of the things to get used to, if you are not from Vietnam, is that many members do not show up to work until 8.30 or 9. This can also include some of the people you need information from, meaning you might not be able to get that information right away.

Read more: Fostering Diversity and Inclusion Through Internship Programs at TRG

Being an intern, you will have plenty of tasks throughout the week. Sometimes this, of course, does not go exactly to plan, and you might be juggling a couple of tasks simultaneously. But most of the time, you know exactly what you will be doing that week.

Once the clock hits 8:10, I start tackling my tasks. If any problems arise, I quickly ask the task creator (can be anybody from the Marketing team) to clarify their requirements or get in touch with our supervisor to get more information.

Once everything is settled, I work on my task until lunch, with some occasional coffee-breaks, before I head for lunch at 11.30 AM. We found that it is much better to get lunch a bit early to avoid the big rush that starts at 12.

After lunch, it is time to get back to work. Normally, if you have not talked to one of your supervisors, this is the time where messages start flying around. They could be, for example, approval or feedback for the work you did in the morning, or just a quick chat from your supervisor asking how you are doing.

Since you know what you will be doing for the entire week, it is easy to predict how long you will need to complete a task and what kind of activities to expect next.

I finish work at around 4.30 PM and head out the door, either going home to rest or out to dinner with mates or co-workers.

If you want to know about our internships, you can see what we look for in an intern here or check out our resource hub dedicated to Internships here. You can also see which internships we have available by clicking the button below.

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Topics: Talent Management, TRG, digital workplace, Internships, Careers


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