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TRG Talk - Emotional Intelligence & Why You Need It for Success as a Project Manager

Posted by Ngoc Doan on

On March 1st 2018, TRG's seminar with the topic "Emotional Intelligence and Why you need it for success as a project manager" which was held at PJ's Coffee Sala received much attention from attendees. The seminar was led by Mr. Rick Yvanovich, Founder and CEO of TRG International. This event co-organised by TRG International and IPMAV is an opportunity for everyone in general and current/future managers in particular to learn more about one of the most important soft skills: emotional management.

Read moreEmotional Intelligence for Leaders

The seminar started with a small activity: List down your personal emotions you've experienced in the last 24 hours, Rick gave us an opportunity to explore ourselves, as well as learn how to manage our emotions in daily life, and in work. Following the talk, we can distinguish emotions into two types: productive emotions and unproductive emotions, depending on the feelings of each individual that you can manage your emotions to achieve the best effect.


4 main areas of the science of emotional intelligence

  • Awareness: This is a foundational skill sense, as you perceive the emotions of yourself and others: happy, sad, angry, surprised, etc.
  • Expression: The way each individual expresses his or her emotions, letting everyone know how they really feel.
  • Reasoning: Emotions affect your actions, thoughts, choices, etc. For example, if you are a manager, you start the meeting with a wonderful spirit (because you are happy) then the members in the meeting will feel comfortable and the meeting will achieve good results; However, if you are upset about something and start the meeting with an angry spirit, the meeting will take place in a tense atmosphere and the members will feel uncomfortable.
  • Management: From experiences, you will manage your emotions to get the most  results.

Read more7 universal emotions to learn for a higher EQ (Part 1) - 7 universal emotions to learn for a higher EQ (Part 2)

Undeniably, emotions affect your work performance. Here are 4 habits of the emotionally intelligent leader (as a Project Manager)

  • Emotionally intelligent leaders reflect on the way they feel and seek feedback on their behaviour from others
  • Emotionally intelligent leaders make the time to demonstrate empathy
  • Emotionally intelligent leaders express how they feel effectively
  • Emotionally intelligent leaders positively influence their own and others feelings

TRG hopes that after the seminar, participants will have a good understanding of Emotional Intelligence and can manage their emotions in the most effective way.

About TRG Talk

TRG Talk is a series of events co-organised by TRG International and PJ’s Coffee Vietnam in order to promote the latest trends in the IT industry and the HR world, as well as tips and tricks in improving your project management skills.

About TRG Talk - Project Management

A good Project Manager must be able to identify problems and risks. He/ She also needs to know how to minimise these issues and be able to make the decision needed throughout the entirety of the project. Do you consider yourself a good project manager? Do you have the required skills and power to handle the situation and the people involved in your project?

TRG Talk - Project Management is a monthly meetup that allows project managers to discuss in detail what it takes to become great at what you're doing. The event takes place every first Thursday of the month.

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