Founded in 1978, for more than 30 years, Retail Pro has been growing right along with the retailers who thrive on our products localized in 73 dierent countries, with 62 partners and over 2,000 skilled experts. From savvy, growth oriented businesses to prestigious multinational enterprises; Retail Pro is the solution-of-choice for some very good reasons.
Some of its highlights are:
- Store Operations
- Inventory Management
- Customer Management / CRM
- Flexible Reporting
The retail system you choose should be widely proven and easy
to learn and use. It should fitt your merchandise mix and business
approach. It should be well supported by local professionals. It
should be fairly priced and generate an excellent return on the
investment. It should be robust and exible enough to grow
with you indenitely. Your retail system of choice should be
Retail Pro!