Unlock Your Hiring Potential: Discover Great People Inside (GPI)

Posted by Mai Hoai Thu on

In today's highly competitive business world, finding and keeping the best employees is crucial for a company's success. Recruitment is at the heart of this effort, involving the strategic processes of identifying, attracting, evaluating, and selecting the right people for job openings.

Good recruitment goes beyond just filling positions; it creates a pool of talented individuals who match a company's long-term plans. This results in a skilled workforce with the right abilities and experience to bring new ideas and meet strategic goals. 

Table of Contents: 

Unlock Your Hiring Potential: Discover Great People Inside (GPI)

Challenges in Traditional Recruitment Methods  

The search for top talent has become increasingly complex. While the core objective—finding the perfect fit for an open position—remains constant, the path to achieving it is challenging.

Resumes and interviews offer a limited view of a candidate's capabilities and cultural fit, and "resume bias" can be a significant obstacle. According to a Harvard Business Review study, such bias can lead to inefficient recruitment selections and unequal opportunities for the candidate pool.

Read more: Why Google says no to job interviews

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Introducing GPI: Data-Driven Recruitment Solutions

Pre-hiring assessments can help address these challenges. They can enable organisations to gain deeper insights and make data-driven hiring decisions.

Understanding how these assessments can streamline the recruitment process, TRG International offers Great People Inside (GPI), a cloud-based talent management solution designed to make recruitment more efficient.

What is Great People Inside (GPI)?

Great People Inside (GPI) is a cloud-based platform offering a comprehensive suite of assessments and surveys for a wide range of talent management requirements. For recruitment, GPI empowers companies to delve deeper, identifying individuals with the perfect blend of relevant skills and cultural fit for their needs.

The platform's high degree of customisation allows organisations to tailor assessments to each job role. With clear and actionable reports, GPI equips hiring managers with data-driven insights to make informed decisions confidently. This empowers them to believe in their recruitment process, knowing they are making the best decisions for their team's success.

Read more: Maximising Diversity, Inclusion, and Performance with Data-driven Insights

GPI uses the Job-Fit theory to assess candidates' thinking styles, behaviours, interests, and personalities. This information matches a company's ideal candidate profile for a specific role.

But how was this profile created? It is the result of years of research. The GPI team analyses top performers in the role, leveraging market data on similar jobs and incorporating the hiring manager's expectations.

GPI's comprehensive assessments give recruiters a deeper understanding of a candidate's potential fit within the company and the role.

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Download whitepaper "The interview addiction" here

Unlocking Talent Potential with GPI Assessments 

GR8 Standard   

  • Streamlined Talent Management: A user-friendly suite with pre-selected assessments to tackle common HR challenges. 
  • All-in-One Solution: Assess, select, manage, and develop your employees with the included tools and processes. 
  • Engaged Workforce: Foster a strong and engaged workforce by effectively managing talent development. 

GR8 Full Spectrum   

  • Identify Top Talent: Assesses behavioural characteristics, cognitive abilities, and occupational interests to pinpoint the best candidates. 
  • Cultivate Potential: Go beyond just hiring – use the assessment to develop and nurture talent within your organization. 
  • Match for Success: The "matching percentage" helps predict how well a candidate will perform in a specific role. 

GR8 Cognitive  

  • Fast & User-Friendly: A user-friendly assessment that quickly evaluates job-relevant cognitive skills. 
  • Informed Decisions: Gain valuable insights for hiring the best candidates and developing existing employees. 
  • Ideal for Entry-Level: Perfect for assessing entry-level employees or those with secondary/lower education backgrounds. 

GR8 Big5 Behaviours  

  • Uncover Potential: Analyses five key personality traits to predict job success and employee potential. 
  • Drive Growth: Gain valuable insights to make informed hiring decisions and fuel organisational growth. 
  • Quick & Easy: Use a simple questionnaire to assess personality traits efficiently.

Unlock Your Hiring Potential: Discover Great People Inside (GPI)

GR8 Values  

  • Hire for Culture Fit: Analyzes a candidate's personality to ensure they align with your company's core principles. 
  • Boost Productivity: Customizable dimensions like sincerity and responsibility help find candidates who contribute to a positive work environment and high productivity. 
  • Minimise Hiring Mistakes: Identify ideal cultural fits to avoid costly hiring mistakes and maximise talent acquisition.

GR8 Interests   

  • Uncover True Interests: Use high-validity statements to assess a candidate's interest in six key areas. 
  • Predict Job Success: Identify the perfect combination of interests for specific roles, leading to higher-performing employees. 
  • Six Key Dimensions: Explore realistic, investigative, artistic, social, conventional, and enterprising interests. 

GR8 Sales  

  • Identify Sales Stars: Assess personality, cognitive abilities, motivations, and behaviours – key indicators of sales success. 
  • Comprehensive Evaluation: Covers everything from anticipating customer needs to proactive outreach and closing deals. 
  • Predict Sales Performance: Uncover the hidden potential of your sales candidates and build a high-performing sales team. 

GR8 Customer Service  

  • Find Customer Service Stars: Identifies key traits like adaptability and people skills to identify top talent. 
  • Develop Your Team: Recognize development opportunities within your current customer service team to improve performance. 
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Use data from the assessment to make informed hiring and development decisions. 

GR8 Wellbeing  

  • Boost Employee Retention: Identify factors impacting job satisfaction and retention.
  • Prevent Workplace Depression: Take a proactive approach to employee wellness and well-being. 
  • Engaged & Successful Workforce: Gain insights into employee needs to create solutions promoting a positive work environment. 

GR8 Customised   

  • Dynamic Assessments: Goes beyond static tests, adapting to the specific role, company needs, and even external factors. 
  • Genuine Evaluation: Prevents candidates from memorizing answers, ensuring a true assessment of their potential. 
  • Unreplicable Advantage: Custom-built assessments can't be easily replicated by competitors, giving you a unique edge in talent acquisition.

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The GPI Advantage: Building a Diverse and Engaged Workforce  

By leveraging GPI's assessments, organisations can go beyond traditional recruitment methods. They can build a diverse and inclusive workforce, minimise unconscious bias, and make data-driven decisions that ensure they find the perfect fit for each role. Ultimately, GPI empowers organisations to cultivate and retain top talent, leading to long-term organisational success and a competitive edge. 

To learn more about this solution in-depth, check out our brochure below.

Download GPI brochure | Talent management

Topics: Talent Management

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