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TRG Talk: Cloud – Why Cloud? - June 2018

Posted by Rick Yvanovich

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On June 20th, TRG International held the seminar with the topic "Cloud - Why Cloud?" at PJ's Coffee Sala, with the participation of Mr. Thanh Nguyen - Cloud Services Director of TRG International, and many attendees who interested in exploring the different ways to get started on the Cloud Enablement journey right away.

Mr. Thanh started the talk with the question “For you, what is Cloud?”. It turned out, many of our attendees perceived Cloud as an add-on function, but in fact, Cloud is a business model. To simply put, using Cloud Computing means your organisation’s computing power will be hosted by a third party and reside "in the cloud".

For example, during the World Cup season, VTV Go uses Cloud Computing to meet all their clients’ demands of wanting to watch the competition on vtvgo.com. VTV Go only pays the fee for 6 hours per day (which are the total time of 3 football games), and still for have enough main servers to meet demands.

This means with Cloud Computing, you will get exactly as much space as you need, and will not be charged for any excess capacity that you don't use, thus, it also helps your business to save the money.

So what are its other advantages? Cloud Computing is a fast, simple and fuss-free option as organisations are no longer have to worry about storage and power.

Read more: 5 Ways Cloud Solutions Power Business Agility

Besides, all operating systems in the Cloud are closely monitored and managed by a third party to prevent any potential threat from the outside. Therefore, all errors in the system are controlled and blocked by this third party. Additionally, frequently updated system and tight controls are key to ensuring that the data in the system are secured.

For more photos of the event, please visit our Facebook page.

About TRG Talk

TRG Talk is a series of events co-organised by TRG International and PJ’s Coffee Vietnam in order to promote the latest trends in the IT industry and the HR world, as well as tips and trick in improving your project management skills.

About TRG Talk - Cloud

You have probably heard about it, not once but multiple times. Whether you are new to cloud computing or you are already an expert, anyone can definitely gain something from our interactive workshop at TRG International. This monthly event will have guest stars who are experts in not only cloud computing but also experts in other IT phenomenon. There will be myth debunking, tips and tricks in building a stronger, better IT infrastructure for your business.

TRG Talk – Cloud is held every third Wednesday of the month.

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Topics: Cloud Computing, TRG Talk


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 Rick Yvanovich
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