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TRG Talk: Talent Management - Maximising your talent pool by correctly identifying HiPos

Posted by Ngoc Doan on

For most companies, hiring a qualified employee is a challenge, and finding a High Potential (HiPo) employee in a team for a key position is even more difficult. Such predicament was addressed in our recent TRG Talk “What makes up a high potential?” on March 28th. Our speaker, Rick Yvanovich (CEO and Founder, TRG International), shared a couple of methods in which we can effectively identify HiPos in the company.


What are high potential employees?

First, we need to determine what is "potential"? There are 4 ways to define it: 

  • BY ROLE: the potential to effectively move into top/senior management roles
  • BY LEVEL: the potential to move and perform levels above the current role
  • BY RECORD: a consistent track record of exceptional performance
  • BY BREADTH: the capability to take a broader scope and leadership role, develop long-term leadership potential 

Identifying and developing high potentials for the position you expect them to reach is a long journey, and of course, many characteristics of your HiPos might vary over time. But it doesn’t mean that you can’t predict anything from the early stage of their career. On the other hand, there are some characteristics that you should look at every HiPos meanwhile some others might be specific for each career. 

Infographic: Distinguishing Between High Potential and High Performing Employees

There are 3 components to look for in a HiPo:

  • Foundational components – those that are hard to change and develop such as the employee’s cognitive ability or personality.
  • Growth components – facilitate or inhibit the employee’s learning and development.
  • Career components – those that are more easily developed and related to the role. 

In that, common components (foundational and growth) could be assessed with scientific assessment tools. The career components depend on the career stage and each type of HiPo. 

Rick also talked about the “developability” of a person, which basically is the behavioural flexibility (the ability to modify behaviours and try new behaviours) but also covers the mental flexibility (the ability to quickly understand and absorb new information, which is also relevant to the cognitive skills).  

Read more: How “Potential” are Your Candidates in the Succession Plan?

About TRG Talk

TRG Talk is a series of events co-organised by TRG International and PJ’s Coffee Vietnam in order to promote the latest trends in not only the IT industry but also other rising and upcoming notions in the HR world, tips and trick in improving your project management skills, at the same time provide a meeting place for the CGMA, ACMA and FCMA community.

About TRG Talk – Talent

Is your organisation caught in various problems revolve around talent management? Are you actively looking for ways to efficiently as well as effectively recruit and retain talented staff? TRG Talk - Talent series is a platform where all leaders can openly share their experience in managing talents, how to create and maintain a healthy working environment where everyone of any background, belief, and identity can work harmoniously.

TRG Talk - Talent is held every fourth Wednesday of the month.

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Topics: Talent Management, TRG Talk


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 Rick Yvanovich
 /Founder & CEO/

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