Infor CloudSuite Industrial and Real-time Indicators (P.4)

Posted by Ho Nguyen

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We have come to the last part of defining real-time business indicators for each key managerial role in the organisation. These indicators play a crucial role in helping managers keep the ship on courses. 

Read more: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Infor CloudSuite Industrial for Inventory Managers

Infor CloudSuite Industrial for Inventory Managers

You can hover your mouse pointer over any column to see the value.

Read more: Why there are gaps between business cases and ERP project outcomes

The Availability For Top n Highest Value Items chart displays the availability of the n highest value items (cost * quantity on hand).

The Top n Shortage Amounts chart displays the five-item/warehouse combinations with the biggest shortage amount (cost * shortage).

The Key Today chart shows:

  • Customer Order (CO) to Ship: This is the number of CO Line/Releases to ship as of today for all customer order items with a status of "Planned or Ordered"; the due date is on or before the current day, and the quantity shipped is less than the quantity ordered.
  • Shipped: This is the number of CO Line/Releases that have completely shipped today. This means a shipping transaction occurred today, and the line/release's quantity shipped is greater than or equal to the quantity ordered.
  • PO to Receive: This is the number of PO Line/Releases to receive as of today for all purchase order items with a status of Planned or Ordered, the due date is on or before the current date, and the quantity received is less than the quantity ordered.
  • Received: This is the number of PO Line/Releases that have been completely received today. This means a receiving transaction occurred today, and the line/release's quantity received is greater than or equal to the quantity ordered.

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The Cycle Count Adjustments chart shows the monetary amount of quantity adjustments for the current month and the three previous months. This data is pulled from material transactions for cycle count transactions. Each column is stacked with the "Up" value that sums the positive adjustments and a "Down" value that sums the negative adjustments.

Infor CloudSuite Industrial for Project Managers

Infor CloudSuite Industrial for Project Managers

To view charts, you can hover your mouse pointer over any column to see the value.

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  • Top n Projects by Revenue: This chart shows the five active projects that have the highest planned total revenue. The X-axis shows the project. The Y-axis shows the revenue.
  • Top n Projects By Plan Cost: This chart shows the five active projects with the highest planned total cost. The X-axis shows the project. The Y-axis shows the cost.
  • Key Today: This chart shows past due milestones for invoice and revenue.
  • Invoice: This shows the total value of invoice milestones planned invoice amount where the planned completion date is before the current date and the Posted checkbox on the Invoice Milestones form is cleared.
  • Revenue: This shows the total value of revenue milestones and planned revenue where the planned completion date is before the current date and the Posted checkbox on the Revenue Milestones is cleared.
  • Invoice Milestones: This chart shows the monetary milestones of inventory for the current month and the next three months. This provides a view of upcoming invoice milestones.
  • Revenue Milestones: This chart shows the monetary milestones of revenue for the current month and the next three months. This provides a view of upcoming revenue milestones.

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For those above mentioned are goals and considered as lag indicators where they are likely achieved at the period end. Also, there are lead indicators where they are appropriately achieved at the period end and they proactively drive to achieve their three-level goals from Job, Process and then Organisation.

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