Recent TRG blog posts

Succession planning: The myth can't blind you

Posted by Huy Tran on

So far you have got a firm grip of succession planning – from its benefits to its close relationship with other talent management acts. Since you cannot unring a bell, it is better to equip yourself with better detector to pinpoint some myths revolving succession planning which can easily lead to errors or loose links in your succession process. Here is the survival guide for you to avoid being fooled.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

[INFOGRAPHIC] The power of expectation

Posted by Huy Tran on

Business is based on faith in the value of human potential. Therefore, in return for the trust they put in you, you must have belief in your employees as well. The power of expectation has a great impact on your employees' performance.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Succession planning: The FAQs you need to know

Posted by Huy Tran on

Previously, we have acknowledged the appealing benefits of succession planning (SP). Surprisingly, most companies do not have an actionable process to select the successors or even if they do have, it is hardly executed smoothly.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Succession planning: The influence you can't ignore

Posted by Huy Tran on

September 2016, Apple launched iPhone 7 – the latest version of its well-known smartphone line, once again stirred up the iPhone phenomenon. It’s not a coincidence that we mention Apple when talking about succession planning. 5 years ago, there occurred the famous power transition in Apple’s CEO position between Steve Jobs and Tim Cook. Cook had been groomed for years as a part of Jobs’ comprehensive succession plan and despite being under certain criticism about failing Jobs’ vision of Apple, Cook is still doing a good job to keep people’s attention at every move of the company.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Don't forget or even ignore WIIFM

Posted by Huy Tran on

If you were asked to do something, how would you react to that request? At least unconsciously, you would wonder, “What’s in it for me?” In other words, you would ask yourself why you should do that thing—how you would benefit if you accepted the request.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

You might be critical, but be an optimistic leader

Posted by Huy Tran on

If there were a one-litre bottle in front of you and it were filled with about 500 ml of water, how would you view the bottle?

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Which ingredient spices up the success recipe

Posted by Huy Tran on

IQ (Intelligence Quotient) gets you hired, EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient) gets you promoted.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Development - This is not an's a Journey

Posted by Huy Tran on

So far, we have discussed building a team and motivating each salesperson. But one thing to be aware of is that the market is always in motion, and your salespeople have to learn to adapt to the changes, or you can equip them with more knowledge and sharpen their sales skills to bring more success to the whole organisation.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Search inside yourself - a key to success from Google

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

From a dream to change the world of one individual to the life changing of thousand individuals.

Chade-Meng Tan, an engineer from Google, has nurtured his big dream to  enlighten minds, open hearts, and create world peace for not only personal lives, but also working environments. His brainchild, Search inside yourself (SIY), has become a prevalent and required course to be taught at Google since 2007. In addition, this mindfulness meditation book made a splash with 24 translated versions and jumped into the bestsellers chart.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Motivation - How does it work for sales?

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

A sales team needs cohesion to motivate them to work and achieve targets. That’s what we discussed in the second part of this "Build, Retain and Develop Your Sales Force" blog series. Nevertheless, while the team as a whole must not be ignored, experts advise that personal motivation should also be considered due to its positive effect on the salesperson’s drive to achieve and to even go the extra mile for the job. That also deeply emphasises the importance of Emotional Intelligence to business performance.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

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Rick Yvanovich

 Rick Yvanovich
 /Founder & CEO/

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