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TRG Talk Virtual - How Can AI Streamline and Automate Your Supply Chain

Posted by Rick Yvanovich

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents a vital part of the digital disruption of all industries, and the supply chain is no exception.

Interested in hearing thoughts and advises of our experts on:

  • How have AI tools been used in supply chains, and do they support the SCOR (Supply Chain Operating Reference) Model?
  • How could AI be implemented to streamline, automate, and improve supply chain efficiency?
  • Is there a good approach to follow when evaluating which type of AI to use, and is this normally packaged within digital transformation? 
  • And more

Watch our webinar below.

Recorded webinar - Part 1

Recorded webinar - Part 2

About AiM

AiM Ltd is a UK based international business to business service provider focusing on all aspects of change management by providing a fusion of business services and technology solutions.

dataBelt® is a data compliance and cleansing tool available on-premise or in the cloud, used to create accurate and consistent data for error-free processing.

The solution has its own GDPR application to ensure clean and accurate data is maintained and can generate a data inventory/ map used to identify all data sources and any data content.

Download Datasheet | DataBelt's advanced capabilities

About TRG International

TRG International is a global market leading professional services firm, focused on delivering technical excellence. We believe that with the right IT solutions working quietly in the background, our customers can be free to focus on their core business. TRG delivers more than just IT systems. We identify and implement the right solutions to elevate your business to a new height.

Lockdown / WFH inspired us to bring TRG Talks Virtual 3x a week. They are up to 30 minute online events that help solve real challenges and opportunities. They’ll inform, educate, entertain, connect and share ideas and solutions with you.

TRG Talk Virtual: Digital Transformation is a series of free live webinars aimed at equipping you with the latest technology trends and updates.

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Topics: Technology trends, TRG Talk, Digital Transformation


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Rick Yvanovich

 Rick Yvanovich
 /Founder & CEO/

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