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Foreign Managers’ Underperformance: Reasons and Solutions

Posted by Khoa Tran on

You hire a foreign manager, in your opinion, who has the right skills and experience. Your expectation is that the new manager will drive the company in the right track and double profit. However, for some reason, the manager doesn’t perform well or meet your expectations. The question here is do you attempt to work out the problem with the new manager or do you fire them?

Read more: 3 Evolving Aspects of Leadership & Management in the Digital Age

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Most Singaporean CFOs Made Bad Hires and Here's Why

Posted by Khoa Tran on

Robert Haft, an American HR consulting firm, has conducted a survey on 150 Singaporean CFOs to collect the results and the accuracy of their hiring decisions. Surprisingly, the majority of the surveyed CFOs (98%) admitted having made the wrong decision when hiring new employees. With 24% (one in four) of them took only two weeks to realise that they have hired the wrong person.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Leadership Development: What Can We Learn from Toys-R-Us Failure?

Posted by Khoa Tran on

Through various ups and downs, Toys-R-Us declared bankruptcy and completely shut down in June of 2018. Back in its glory days, it was the place that sparked joy for many kids, and its success was envied by many retailers.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

How to Balance Your Hiring Needs and Prioritise Recruiting Efforts

Posted by Khoa Tran on

Everyone expects the HR department to find replacements instantly when there is a job opening. Reality is there are a lot of tasks that engross every HR professional, leaving them very little time to find potential talents. Let's face it, no matter how hard you try, or how much resources your company has, you simply just can't fulfil every single vacant position.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

3 Simple Tips for Recruiting Recent College Graduates

Posted by Khoa Tran on

It’s that special time of year when a new batch of college graduates are getting ready to enter the workforce. As college seniors scramble to finish final papers, pass exams, perfect their resumes and enjoy what little time they have left on campus, they’re all on a mission to find the job of their dreams.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

[Infographic] 6 Key Features of Quality Pre-Hire Assessments

Posted by Khoa Tran on

How do you define a quality Pre-hire assessment? Today, the role of pre-hire assessments has progressively increased. They help identify the right fit for the vacancies at your company as well as predict the candidate’s performance in the future.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

The Impacts of Behavioural Science On HR (Part 2)

Posted by Khoa Tran on

As mentioned in Part 1, when looking for new employees, the recruiting advert will be one of the crucial features that attract the right talents with the same goals as the organisation. Moreover, the recruiter’s decision on who to hire can be notably influenced by their experience and assumptions, causing the hiring process to be frustrating for both sides.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

The Impacts of Behavioural Science On HR (Part 1)

Posted by Khoa Tran on

There have been many efforts to learn and analyse the drives behind the way humans behave, and more specifically, to understand how employers and candidates make decisions before and after the hiring process. It is revealed through behavioural science that most of our actions are decided under the influence of automatic, instinctive and intuitive thought processes.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Why Do Your Employees Quit? 5 Typical Causes of High Turnover Rate

Posted by Khoa Tran on

The days of marriage lasting forever and the days of an employee working at one company forever are long gone. Let’s face it; it is uncommon for an employee to remain at one company for more than 5 years. Although companies cannot prevent employee turnover, they can take steps to reduce their turnover rate and increase employee tenure. So, why do employees choose to end the relationship and voluntarily leave a company?

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Recipe for Successful Middle Management

Posted by Khoa Tran on

The life of a middle manager can be a harrowing one.  You may be given many problems, but not necessarily the direct authority over many of the players to easily carry out the solution. Follow this recipe for critical success in managing from the middle.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

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 Rick Yvanovich
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