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Why It is Crucial to Foster an Engaged Workforce

Posted by Khoa Tran on

In recent years, HR managers and recruiting professionals have been putting more focus on improving the employee engagement, one of the most critical talent management topics that have a significant impact on the success of a business. Employees who are highly engaged with their employers can help to maximise a company’s investment in its people, improve productivity as well as reduce costs.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Management Trainee Lessons from Internationally Recognised Firms

Posted by Khoa Tran on

Many organisations have been successfully cultivating high-quality future leaders through their management trainee programs. The programs not only provide immense credibility and experience to the trainees but they also have certain positive impacts on the organisation. And a well thought out management trainee program can guarantee to give your business a better head start over the competitors by having a well-trained team.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Communication Problems in the Digital Workplace

Posted by Khoa Tran on

We cannot repudiate the importance of communication. However, there are now some problems in communication in the workplace settings, especially in the digital work environment that we should be aware of and overcome. 

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Finding Your Star Leaders with Management Trainee Program

Posted by Khoa Tran on

Many organisations nowadays offer some forms of internship and management trainee programs in order to prepare their top trainees for the management positions in the future. Big names like Unilever, Coca-Cola and Amazon are also famous for their Management Trainee (MT) programs. With proper training and development for each individual, the company may be looking at their future leaders when they are still in their “infant stage”.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Entry-level Recruitment: Best Practices (Part 1)

Posted by Khoa Tran on

Most companies are fully aware of the importance of graduate recruitment. According to a 2017 report by the Rockefeller Foundation, 97 per cent of the U.S. employers say entry-level jobs are crucial to their success. Yet many do not handle entry-level hiring well.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

[Infographic] What Makes a Successful Team?

Posted by Khoa Tran on

Everyone knows all the great benefits that teams can bring to the organisation, including an improvement in the overall productivity, stimulate creativity and enhance employee engagement. Sadly, many organisations do not fully utilise their teams nor equip the team members with proper training to help them further develop.

Read more: Back to Basics - What is talent management?

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Maximising Employee Training and Development in the Digital Workplace

Posted by Khoa Tran on

As the global business is depending more and more on technology, there occurs a great need for more in-depth employee training and development to help them adapt quickly and well to the changing environment. Let’s take a closer look at how training and development are integral parts of a strong talent management strategy, which can eventually help to transform the business quality and boost revenue.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Key Factors to Consider when Building a Digital Workplace Framework

Posted by Khoa Tran on

In the current accessibility-ready environment, the need for an immediate connection has become important since it can make the border between the physical offices and the digital ones disappear. Now that the generations Y and Z are gradually taking over the workforce, a workplace equipped with modern technologies to support the daily jobs is by far the most wanted.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Aspects of a Team that Leaders Need to be Aware of

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

You have probably experienced many cases where you’ve encountered the CV of the perfect candidate, who possesses an outstanding experience and checks all of your boxes. However, throughout the probation period, the candidate turns out to be unfit for your team and your organisation.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

The Foreseeable Growth for the Vietnamese Job Market

Posted by Khoa Tran on

The International Labour Organisation's "World Employment Social Outlook" report has made some noteworthy predictions for the recruitment of the Asia-Pacific region and Vietnam for the coming year. Overall, the jobs outlook seems to be good for the near future, and Vietnamese job market is getting hotter than its neighbours in the region. 

Read more: How to Know If Your Job Will Be Stolen by Robots

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

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 Rick Yvanovich
 /Founder & CEO/

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