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Agile Recruitment: Is it Better than the Traditional Approach?

Posted by Khoa Tran on

An effective recruitment approach will act as a foundation for your company to build teams of high performers. Many companies still prefer the traditional way of recruiting which, in some cases, is no longer viable in today’s VUCA environment. As a result, the organisations need an approach which can help them choose the right people faster and does not break the bank. This is where Agile recruitment comes in.  

Read more: A glance at the changes of recruiting in the digital age

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

What is Candidate Relationship Management and How Does It Help?

Posted by Khoa Tran on

To ensure the success of recruitment, attracting candidates towards your brand is not enough, you also need a pipeline to build pools of highly interested candidates. Additionally, a platform is required to continue nurturing the relationship with the candidates outside of the hiring process. All of them can be tackled by Candidate Relationship Management.  

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

3 Common Employee Development Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Posted by Khoa Tran on

Employees are inarguably the most valuable assets of every organisation. They are in their own ways contribute to the success of the company and the employers must try their best to nurture, develop and retain them so they become indispensable resources later on.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Employee Training & Development - Did You Do It Right?

Posted by Khoa Tran on

Whether your organisation is already well-established, internationally recognised, or you're just a small start-up, one thing for sure you cannot ignore the tremendous benefits of a properly trained and developed workforce can bring.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Training and Development: Are They Similar or Different?

Posted by Khoa Tran on

In amid the Industry 4.0, most human activities are maximised with the help of advanced technologies, thus, people tend to concentrate on improving their skills to enhance their performance. That is the main reason why various businesses nowadays put a strong emphasis on training and developing their employees to improve their current professional workforce. 

Read more: The training and development of finance professionals

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

The Big 5 Personality Traits and What They Mean

Posted by Khoa Tran on

Have you ever wondered whether the current job is suitable for you? The Big Five Personality Traits (or the Five Factor Model) can help answer this question. It is a theoretical background used to analyse and understand the general components of our personality that seem to be the most crucial in the workplace and our daily life. 

Read more: Your ultimate guide to Psychometric Assessments

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

In a World of Volatility, Invest in Employee Engagement

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

Organisations rely heavily on their workforce to compete in today's evolving and unpredictable economy. In order to ensure your employee's productivity is always top-notch, organisations first need to select the right people, put them in the right jobs, at the right time. The career that aligns with your employee's interest and makes them feel engaged, it is guaranteed that your organisation has earned a unique competitive advantage.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Why An Effective Talent Strategy Should Include Inbound Recruiting

Posted by Khoa Tran on

Inbound strategy” is a terminology mostly used in Marketing. It is the process of acquiring new customers organically through a combination of blogs, SEO, social media, and other content marketing strategies. Based on that concept, Inbound Recruiting requires the recruiters to generate attractive content and strategically publish them on various recruiting platforms to entice the candidates’ attention. These are the reasons why the recruiters used Inbound Recruiting as an effective recruitment tool.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Psychometric Assessments: What Are They & Why Are They Important?

Posted by Khoa Tran on

Psychometric assessments are used to evaluate the candidates’ skills, personalities, attitudes, and knowledge. They typically contain multiple choices to save time for both the recruiters and the candidates. This type of assessment is sometimes performance-based and evaluates likability where the candidates need to solve different kinds of numerical, graphical, and verbal problems. 

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

Entry-level Recruitment: Best Practices (Part 2)

Posted by Khoa Tran on

Entry-level recruitment, though brings tremendous benefits, the process still presents some unique challenges. Some of the most common entry-level recruitment challenges facing companies today are the lack of qualified candidates, high turnover rate, and generational differences in the workplace.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

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 Rick Yvanovich
 /Founder & CEO/

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