Being born long after IQ but Emotional Intelligence (EQ) has become the current trend for self-development. One of many reasons that put EQ in the hearts of so many people is its accurate reflection of human’s social nature. High IQ can help a person think and reason quickly, but high EQ will support people connect and cooperate for sustainable development because a high EQ person is able to build effective reciprocal relationships due to his/her ability to manage own emotions and others’.
Recent TRG blog posts
How to Measure EQ Accurately?
Posted by Ngan Nguyen on Tue, Mar 14, 2017
Blog Topics: Talent Management
Duplicating your top employees
Posted by Huy Tran on Wed, Feb 15, 2017
As we mentioned in the previous blog post, the ideal process of duplicating top performers starts with quantifying the characteristics of those persons. Specifically, in this step, you need to analyse your top employees and figure out which traits set them apart from the other middle and bottom performers. Afterwards, consolidate these traits into a pattern which is used for benchmarking new hires and existing employees.
Blog Topics: Talent Management
KPIs - the key to identifying your top performers
Posted by Huy Tran on Fri, Feb 10, 2017
Top performers are those who work consistently, positively, proactively and flexibly. They align personal goals with professional goals and take the toughest assignments as challenges or opportunities. Much has been written about the characteristics of a top performer, which can be found easily with a few clicks on Google. But are these findings practical? We must say, not much. They might help you paint a portrait of a top performer but how you are going to apply it for your business remains unanswered.
Blog Topics: Talent Management
Comparing Business Leadership & Management Across the Globe
Posted by Huy Tran on Sun, Feb 5, 2017
In the last blog post, we have proved that there is a significant similarity in how great leaders and managers are perceived around the world, regardless of cultural and geographical differences, and what a universal profile of great business leaders looks like.
Blog Topics: Talent Management
Infographic: Affluent leaders born in the Year of the Rooster
Posted by Huy Tran on Thu, Jan 26, 2017
Rooster is the tenth animal sign in the 12-year cycle of the oriental astrology. And people who were born under this sign are thought to be natural-born leaders, just like a rooster is the leader of a chicken coop!
Read more: Which leadership's key factor is unintentionally forgotten?
Blog Topics: Talent Management
Succeed Anywhere with These Leadership & Management Skills
Posted by Huy Tran on Tue, Jan 24, 2017
While the importance of leadership in business has been proven in multiple studies, how to define and measure leadership is still a controversial topic, especially when we take into account the context of today’s globalised business landscape, where it is commonplace for global corporations to move their managers from one country to another. Is effective leadership perceived differently among countries and cultures? Or is there a universal profile of great business leaders and managers?
Read more: An insight to leadership skills in the age of disruption
Blog Topics: Talent Management
The Waiter Rule and How to Discover a Job Candidate’s True Self
Posted by Huy Tran on Thu, Jan 12, 2017
What do a job interview and a first date have in common? They both could be high-stress situations where people try to hide their true self. We constantly have to wonder how we know who he or she really is.
Contrary to popular belief, most interviewers are not particularly good at assessing people via traditional job interviews. It turns out there is an old trick that can really be helpful in both situations: the “waiter rule”.
Blog Topics: Talent Management
3 most popular blogs in 2016 from TRG Talent
Posted by Huy Tran on Wed, Jan 11, 2017
In 2016, Profiles International SEA has been re-branded as TRG Talent with new targets in talent solutions segment of TRG International. This change even motivated us continuously research and explore to bring you many posts about various trending topics among HR people last year, from recruiting Millennials or salespersons to leadership development and even succession planning.
Blog Topics: Talent Management
3 best tactics for recruiting Millennials - Part 3
Posted by Rick Yvanovich on Fri, Dec 30, 2016
This blog is the third part of a 3-blog series.
Recruitment is a series of challenges that the HR department has to continually solve, from sourcing candidates to screening, interviewing, choosing the best fit and persuading them to accept the offer. Each challenge can be solved, but how well depends on organisations’ willingness to look at each group of candidates and do the following as it pertains to the successful recruitment of each group’s members: 1) keep the effective solutions, 2) stop the ineffective ones and 3) start new strategies. This is called the K-S-S method.
Blog Topics: Talent Management
3 best tactics for recruiting Millennials - Part 2
Posted by Rick Yvanovich on Thu, Dec 29, 2016
This blog is the second part of a 3-blog series.
Recruitment is a series of challenges that the HR department has to continually solve, from sourcing candidates to screening, interviewing, choosing the best fit and persuading them to accept the offer. Each challenge can be solved, but how well depends on organisations’ willingness to look at each group of candidates and do the following as it pertains to the successful recruitment of each group’s members: 1) keep the effective solutions, 2) stop the ineffective ones and 3) start new strategies. This is called the K-S-S method.
Blog Topics: Talent Management