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3 Tips to Effectively Manage Your T&E Expenses

Posted by Thai Pham on

The term T&E stands for travel and entertainment - any expenses incurred by travelling for business purposes or entertaining a business client. Examples of travelling expenses include money spent on accommodation, transportation, and meals. T&E expense management is important because your company's T&E budget is one of the critical places where you could look to reduce costs. Unfortunately, expense management and reimbursements for travelling employees are among the most time-consuming and repetitive manual business processes that companies face.

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Must-haves of Accounting Software for Nonprofit Organisations

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

Nonprofit organisations operate in a vastly different way from for-profit companies. They do not put any product or service on sales but instead accept contributions in various forms (grants, donations, gifts, etc.) to fund their activities. As a result, having an accounting system in place that allows the organisation and their contributors to obtain complete visibility of the entire organisation performance is utmost important. 

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Blog Topics: Financial Accounting Management Software

How and Where to Find Top Performers for Your Succession Plan

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

About 85% of organisation will have a significant leadership shortfall within five years. Remember, the ultimate goal of succession planning is to not prepare one person with the purpose of filling a specific goal. The goal of succession planning is to nurture a pool of talented individuals and prepare them for future critical positions.

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Strategies to Identify Top Performers for a Successful Succession Plan

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

We have provided a clear guideline on how to sketch your own leader persona in the previous blog post. You already had a map, now there needs to be a compass.

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Blog Topics: Talent Management

5 Ways Hotels Can Create Competitive Edges with Business Intelligence

Posted by Thai Pham on

According to Hospitality Technology’s “2016 Lodging Technology Study,” 62% of surveyed hoteliers use business intelligence (BI) tools and another 16% will add them within 18 months. Armed with the right information, today’s decision-makers can better understand risk, performance, and the impact of decisions at property, region and group levels. But how exactly can hotels achieve competitive advantages with business intelligence?

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Blog Topics: Hospitality solutions, Business Intelligence

IoT in Retail – the Case Study of Rimowa

Posted by Binh Pham on

Though consumer talk of the impending Internet of Things revolution is still primarily on the buzz, a handful of progressive retailers are converting talk into action and laying the groundwork for connectivity in their operations and products. One such pioneers is the luxury luggage manufacturer and retailer, Rimowa.

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Blog Topics: Retail Management System

What is Zero-based Budgeting?

Posted by Thai Pham on

It is safe to say most businesses would resort to cost cutting initiatives in a time of tight margins and high risksHowever, a research by McKinsey shows that only 26% of those cost-reduction programs, still yield effective results after four years. CFOs, therefore, are increasingly turning to zero-based budgeting, ZBB, as a more sustainable approach to cost reduction.  

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Blog Topics: Planning and Budgeting, CFOs, Financial Accounting Management Software

How HxGN EAM Keeps the World's Largest Machine Running Smoothly

Posted by Ho Nguyen on

Large Hadron Collider, the world’s largest and most complex machine, consists of millions of high-tech components installed in a circular tunnel that is 16.7 miles (27km) long and situated 330 feet (100m) beneath the border between France and Switzerland. And it needs an enterprise asset management solution that could help minimize unscheduled downtime while maintaining the safety and convenience of all its employees and visitors.

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Blog Topics: Enterprise Resource Planning ERP

What Is Beyond Budgeting and How Is It Reinventing Management?

Posted by Rick Yvanovich on

As businesses are rethinking how their management systems should be changed in a post-industrial world, the principle of beyond budgeting has received much attention due to its revolutionary nature. But what exactly is beyond budgeting? And how is it different from the current practices?  

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Blog Topics: Planning and Budgeting, Financial Accounting Management Software

Managed IT Services: What Hoteliers Need to Know

Posted by Andrew Turton on

In their pursuit to meet the ever-rising expectation of travellers, the hospitality industry is increasingly adopting new IT technologies. Some daring brands even venture into the realm of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things to quench the thirst for a "truly unique guest experience." Nevertheless, none of the "next-gen solutions" out there would work without an agile yet robust IT infrastructure. This is where managed IT services come into play. 

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Blog Topics: Hospitality solutions

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Rick Yvanovich

 Rick Yvanovich
 /Founder & CEO/

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