360-degree feedback is a tool, a method to develop an individual’s behaviour and performance. It utilises data received confidentially from those the employee works with to gain whether their performance fits in with the company’s overall visions. Data is feedback formed from online forms answering questions that address a wide range of competencies in the workplace based on a rating scale and written comments.
Recent TRG blog posts
Why 360-degree Assessments Are Essential in Leadership Development
Posted by Rick Yvanovich on Fri, Aug 30, 2019
Blog Topics: Talent Management
A Dilemma in Leadership Development: Performance vs. Potential
Posted by Rick Yvanovich on Wed, Aug 28, 2019
At least 50%1 of new leaders fail after assuming a new role. Incorrectly identifying high potentials is one of the reasons for this failure. Additionally, many companies face a significant shortage of quality talent. Therefore, their only resolution is to source high potentials externally.
Blog Topics: Talent Management
Strategically Retain and Develop Your High Potential Employees
Posted by Rick Yvanovich on Sat, Aug 24, 2019
High potential employees quitting can be extremely costly. Letting your talents know the company has laid out development programs to prepare them for more senior management roles is one of the most effective methods to mitigate the impact of talent loss.
Blog Topics: Talent Management
The Best Kept Secrets to Developing Leaders at All Levels
Posted by Mai Hoai Thu on Fri, Aug 23, 2019
We have mentioned time and time again the importance of having leadership development programs in place. Moreover, a closely linked leadership development plan and business strategy can result in stronger, more agile companies.
Blog Topics: Talent Management
What Are the Available Tools to Identify High-Potential Employees?
Posted by Rick Yvanovich on Wed, Aug 21, 2019
High potential employees (HIPOs) are the most valuable assets in any organisation due to their outstanding performance, extensive knowledge, skills, and a great desire to succeed in more senior roles. In an ideal world, organisations will garner all of their HIPOs, and then roll out their development programs to train and further develop these future leaders. The thing is, we do not live in that perfect world.
Blog Topics: Talent Management
Top Secrets in Identifying High Performers for Succession Planning
Posted by Rick Yvanovich on Fri, Aug 16, 2019
In succession planning, individual performance and potential are two decisive criteria that need to be thoroughly studied. When a candidate is pinpointed for leadership bench strength, you are invited to assume that he embraces both high potential and performance.
Blog Topics: Talent Management
How to Develop Great Leaders In Three Phases
Posted by Rick Yvanovich on Thu, Aug 15, 2019
In previous blogs, we have identified what the qualities of great leaders are - how to develop them is a whole other question. We will discuss the three phases both employees and managers have to go through to develop great leaders.
Read more: An insight to leadership in the age of disruption
Blog Topics: Talent Management
Critical Steps in Succession Planning: Exploring the '3 Hows' Process
Posted by Rick Yvanovich on Wed, Aug 14, 2019
Succession planning is a process of preparation, not pre-selection. Organisation regardless of sizes can benefit from implementing a succession plan as it requires the managers, leaders, and HR professionals to conduct a comprehensive and ongoing evaluation on the competencies of every employee as well as taking in the organisational structure and organisation's goals.
Blog Topics: Talent Management
5 Tips for Effective Succession Planning
Posted by Rick Yvanovich on Tue, Aug 13, 2019
At the minimum, failing to plan a succession strategy could possibly hinder your conduct of day-to-day operations. Taking it to the extreme, the absence of competent leaders, when not appropriately and timely addressed, could wreak havoc on the business. This may result in it losing its standing in the ever-challenging market and eventually collapsing into oblivion.
Blog Topics: Talent Management
[Infographic] 12 Characteristics of High Potential Employees
Posted by Rick Yvanovich on Sat, Aug 10, 2019
In our previous article, we have discussed three critical losses that companies will suffer when high potential employees quit. These high potentials (HIPOs) are the lifeline of the organisation, the future leaders that you don't want to ignore.
Blog Topics: Talent Management